September 14, 2015 07:33 by
In this article I describe the way to produce a User defined error message in SQL Server 2012. we use SP_addmessage to add a custom message and after that we have a tendency to use a RAISERROR Statement to invoke the custom message. We use the SP_admessage stored Procedure to define a User defined Custom Error Message. This stored Procedure adds a record to the sys.message system view. A User defined message should have a message number of 50000 or higher with a severity of 1 to 25. And here is the code:
sp_addmessage [ @msgnum = ] msg_id ,
[ @severity = ] severity ,
[ @msgtext = ] 'msg'
[ , [ @lang = ] 'language' ]
[ , [ @with_log = ] 'with_log' ]
[ , [ @replace = ] 'replace' ]

Here mcg_id is that the id of the message which might be between 50000 and 2147483647. The severity is the level of the message which might be between one and twenty five. For User defined messages we are able to use it a value of 0 to 19. The severity level between 20 to 25 may be set by the administrator. Severity levels from 20 through 25 are considered fatal.
The actual error message is "msg", that uses a data type of nvarchar(255). the maximum characters limit is two,047. any more than that will be truncated. The language is used if you wish to specify any language. Replace is used once a similar message number already exists, however you wish to switch the string for that ID, you've got to use this parameter.
The RAISERROR statement generates an error message by either retrieving the message from the sys.messages catalog read or constructing the message string at runtime. it's used to invoke the the User defined error message. first we produce a User defined error message using SP_addmessage and after that we invoke that by the use of RAISERROR.
RAISERROR ( { msg_id }
{ ,severity ,state }
[ ,argument [ ,...n ] ] )
[ WITH option [ ,...n ] ]
EXEC sp_addmessage
'THis is error message'
RAISERROR (500021, 10, 1)
Replacement of Message.
EXEC sp_addmessage
'Previous error message is replaced',
RAISERROR (500021, 10, 1)
Altering the message:
exec sp_altermessage 500021,@parameter='with_log', @parameter_value='true'

Droping the message:
exec sp_dropmessage 500021

HostForLIFE.eu SQL Server 2012 Hosting
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