European Windows 2019 Hosting BLOG

BLOG about Windows 2019 Hosting and SQL 2019 Hosting - Dedicated to European Windows Hosting Customer

SQL Server Hosting - HostForLIFEASP.NET :: Change Data Capture (CDC) In SQL Server

clock March 23, 2021 07:26 by author Peter

Every developer who has worked with SQL SERVER sooner or later has come across this problem, where he or she has to take a copy of the row/s before performing any DML operations, and the table in which it is copied is generally marked as ‘tablename_history’ or ‘tablename_backup’ and this is achieved by writing an insert query in a stored procedure or trigger whichever found appropriate.
Recently I stumbled upon a system function in the SQL SERVER called Change Data Capture (CDC in short), which does the above function(if enabled) asynchronously by default and is supported by all versions higher than SQL Server 2008.
Enabling Change Data Capture
To implement CDC we first need to enable CDC on a database, this is done by executing the stored procedure "sys.sp_cdc_enable_db" as given below.
    -- To Enable CDC  
    USE [CDC_TEST]  
    EXEC sys.sp_cdc_enable_db  

Now to enable CDC on the table, we need to do the stored procedure "sys.sp_cdc_enable_table" with its input parameters as given below
    USE [CDC_TEST]  
    EXEC sys.sp_cdc_enable_table     
      @source_schema = 'dbo', -- Is the name of the schema to which the source table belongs.  
      @source_name = 'Customer', -- Is the name of the source table on which to enable change data capture    
      @role_name     = NULL -- Is the name of the database role used to gate access to change data, we can mention null if we want all the users having access to the database to view the CDC data  

Once the stored procedure executes successfully some table with schema "cdc" is generated under the System Tables folder.

The tables include the following
    cdc.captured_columns table that contains the list of captured columns
    cdc.change_tables table that contains the list of tables that are enabled for capture
    cdc.ddl_history table that records the history of all the DDL changes since capture data enabled
    cdc.index_columns table that contains all the indexes that are associated with change table
    cdc.lsn_time_mapping table that is used to map the LSN number with the time and finally one change table for each CDC enabled table that is used to capture the DML changes on the source table
    cdc.dbo_Customer_CT table that contains the actual data before any DML operation is executed and some additional metadata like the operation, affected columns count, etc. The name of the table may vary depending on the name of the primary table on which the CDC is applied, but in general, it will be "NameOfSchema_TableName_CT" hence the name "dbo_Customer_CT".

With the tables, two SQL Agent Jobs are also created for given below
    cdc.CDC_TEST_capture job is responsible to push the DML changes into change tables
    cdc.CDC_TEST_cleanup job is responsible to clean up the records from the change tables. This job is created automatically by SQL Server to minimize the number of records in the change tables, failing this job execution will be resulting in a larger change table.

Detect Changes
So now that we have implemented CDC on the database and table, let's perform some DML operations given below
    INSERT INTO [dbo].[Customer]  
               ('test cdc'  
               ,'Home Address'  
    UPDATE [dbo].[Customer]  
        CustName = 'test cdc 2',  
        CustMobNo = '9876543216',   
        [Address] = 'Address updated',  
        SubAreaId = 2   
    WHERE CustId = 1  
    DELETE [dbo].[Customer] WHERE CustId = 1  

The results of the executed DML queries are populated in the table [cdc].[dbo_Customer_CT] table as shown in the image below.

The first five columns are metadata to the rows updated. The column '__$operation' is of significance as the column is used to identify the DML operation.
    __$operation = 1 denotes deleted rows
    __$operation = 2 denotes new inserted rows
    __$operation = 3 denotes row before the updation
    __$operation = 4 denotes row after the updation

But quering the cdc table is not advisable by Microsoft, hence we have to use table valued functions that were created while enabling CDC on the table. In this case, we have a table valued function called "fn_cdc_get_all_changes_dbo_Customer" which can be used as given below
    DECLARE @from_lsn binary (10), @to_lsn binary (10)  
    SET @from_lsn = sys.fn_cdc_get_min_lsn('dbo_Customer') -- scheme name with table  
    SET @to_lsn = sys.fn_cdc_get_max_lsn()  
    SELECT *  
    FROM cdc.[fn_cdc_get_all_changes_dbo_Customer](@from_lsn, @to_lsn, 'all')  
    ORDER BY __$seqval  

Disable CDC
Once the CDC is enabled we cannot change the Primary Key of the table, truncate the table, and in case we have to add or remove a column the corresponding CD table doesn't get updated and hence won't detect any changes for the newly added column. In these cases, we will have to disable the CDC make appropriate changes and re-enable CDC on the table. Below is a stored procedure that can be used to remove CDC on a table.
    EXEC sys.sp_cdc_disable_table     
      @source_schema = 'dbo' ,     
      @source_name = 'Customer',  
      @capture_instance ='all'  


  • The SQL Agent should be up and running all the time
  • cdc_jobs configurations are very important to set correctly.Overestimating/underestimating the configurations will have a detrimental impact on you application performance. You may need to genuinely configure as per your workload, a performance test can be carried out as per your workload to reach out your optimal values
  • Cleanup job is scheduled by default to run at 02:00 AM every day
  • Capture job is scheduled as “Start automatically when SQL Server Agent starts”. As it uses continuous parameter further, you may not need to make any change for “Schedule type”.

HostForLIFEASP.NET SQL Server Hosting

SQL Server 2019 Hosting - HostForLIFEASP.NET :: RAND Function In SQL

clock March 12, 2021 11:17 by author Peter

In this blog, we will learn about how to use RAND() function based on our business requirement.
So here we will cover the following things:
    Random Decimal Number
    Random Integer Range
    Real example

As the name suggests the RAND function can be used to return any random number which can be decimal or integer.
The syntax for the RAND function would be:

This function will return any random number like this image.

We can create any random decimal number between two given numbers, so for that, we can use this formula.
    SELECT RAND()*(b-a)+a;  

Here in this formula, you will use b for greater number and a for a lower number, so this formula will return a number between this.
Random Integer Range
We can create any random integer number between two given numbers, so for that, we can use this formula.
    SELECT FLOOR(RAND()*(b-a+1))+a;  

Here in this formula, you will use b for greater number and a for a lower number, so this formula will return a number between this.
This RAND() function we can use on the following SQL version, SQL Server 2017, SQL Server 2016, SQL Server 2014, SQL Server 2012, SQL Server 2008 R2, SQL Server 2008, SQL Server 2005.
Real example
Now let's see the real example on this function, Here I am using multiple examples so that you can differentiate among them.
--//---1- Random Decimal-----//

    SELECT RAND(7);  
    SELECT RAND(-7);  
    SELECT RAND()*(7-1)+1;  
    SELECT RAND(8)*(7-1)+1;  
    SELECT RAND(-4)*(7-1)+1;  

--//---2- Random Integer-----//

    SELECT FLOOR(RAND()*(8-4+1))+4;  
    SELECT FLOOR(RAND(6)*(8-5+1))+5;  
    SELECT FLOOR(RAND(123456789)*(10-5+1))+5;  

See this image for result,

HostForLIFEASP.NET SQL Server 2019 Hosting

SQL Server Hosting - HostForLIFEASP.NET :: Deploy SSIS Package To SQL Server

clock March 8, 2021 06:41 by author Peter

Before going next, first make sure you have SQL Server Integration Services installed. Open Visual Studio SSIS package project and right click on project and hit Deploy to deploy all packages, if you want to install individual packages then right click on the package and hit deploy.

First window is introduction windows click Next button.

We have two deployment targets,

    SSIS in SQL Server
    SSIS in Azure Data Factory

As in this article we are going to deploy on SQL Server, so we must select SSIS in SQL Server and click Next.

Select destination, Enter SQL Server name, Authentication type, Username and password and click Connect. Once connect Browse project folder path if available, if not available create a directory in SSISDB and create a new project and hit Next.

You can review all given changes and hit Deploy.

You can check the deployment result in last windows. If all results are passed, then click close.

Above screenshot shows that all results are passed and successfully deployed.

Go to SQL Server and expand Integration Services Catalogs and go to SSISDB the you can see the created folder and project and deployed packages there.

HostForLIFEASP.NET SQL Server Hosting

SQL Server 2019 Hosting - HostForLIFEASP.NET :: SQL Index Creation Using DROP EXISTING ON

clock February 23, 2021 05:46 by author Peter

When you are making changes to an existing Non-Clustered index SQL Server provides a wide variety of options. One of the more frequently used methods is DROP EXISTING; in this post you will learn all about that option. This option automatically drops an existing index after recreating it, without the index being explicitly dropped. Let us take a moment understand the behavior of this choice.
Which is my preferred method, will DROP the current index only after it finishes creating and building the index with the new definition. The pitfall is that if the index does not exist, you will get an error and must create it without the option or set it to OFF. However, the more important benefit of using this one is all about performance. The index will still be used by active queries until it is rebuilt with the new definition.
    CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [dcacIDX_ServiceType] ON [dbo].[Accounts]  
       [ServiceType] ASC  

If index does not exist, you will get a 7999 error.
Msg 7999, Level 16, State 9, Line 1
Could not find any index named 'dcacIDX_ServiceType' for table 'dbo.Accounts'.
There are a few exceptions to keep in mind per
With DROP_EXISTING, you can change,

  • A nonclustered rowstore index to a clustered rowstore index.

With DROP_EXISTING, you cannot change,

  • A clustered rowstore index to a nonclustered rowstore index.
  • A clustered columnstore index to any type of rowstore index.

This option is a cleaner and wont error if the index doesn’t already exist. However, I caution you when using this especially when it is a large table. Using this option drops the index before it creates the new, leaving your system without the previous index definition. This can create a huge performance issue while the system waits for the new index to be created. I know this firsthand, as I did this with a client a few years ago, during the day while trying to fix a performance issue. I created a worse issue while the waiting for the new one to be created. It took 45 mins to create the new index with the new definition which caused CPU to spike to 100% while active queries were trying to come through. Which sadly, in turn, slowed down the new index creation.

    DROP INDEX IF EXISTS [dcacIDX_ServiceType] ON [dbo].[Accounts]  
    CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [dcacIDX_ServiceType] ON [dbo].[Accounts]  
       [ServiceType] ASC  

Now I should also note that the DROP_EXISITING method is also faster when you must modify a Clustered index. Every Non-Clustered index refers to the Clustered index using what is called a clustering key, essentially, a pointer to the row in the clustered index. When a clustered index is dropped and re-created, SQL Server must rebuild the Non-Clustered indexes on that table. In fact, it gets done twice by actually rebuilding them upon drop and rebuild again on the create of the Clustered index. Using DROP_EXISTING=ON prevents you from having to rebuild all these indexes as their keys will stay the same, thus making it significantly faster.
The reason I took the time to write this quick blog is to remind those to consider using the DROP EXSITING=ON rather than using the DROP and CREATE method when possible. Do not introduce a performance issue when you can avoid it and you can more efficiently make the desire changes you need. Just a friendly reminder.

HostForLIFEASP.NET SQL Server 2019 Hosting


SQL Server 2019 Hosting - HostForLIFEASP.NET :: Split Alphabets From Alphanumeric String In SQL Server

clock February 16, 2021 07:32 by author Peter
This article gives an explanation about how to split alphabets from the alphanumeric string in an SQL server. Here I'll also explain how to create a function in an SQL server.
In my previous article, I explained what is an alphanumeric string and how to split numbers from an alphanumeric string in an SQL server that you might like to read.
While working with any data-driven applications, sometimes we need to split the numbers and alphabets from the input string as per the given requirement. I got many emails from students and beginner programmers to write an article on ways to get only varchar values from the string in the SQL server. So today in this article I'll explain how to archieve this requirement to split the numbers and alphabets and return only varchar value from the string.
  1. How to get alphabets from an alphanumeric string in SQL Server?

So, let's create a query to split the alphabets from the string in the SQL server.

Get Alphabets from string
Let's split the alphanumeric string and get only alphabets from the string. So, we will take an example for demonstration.
I have my enrollment number, which is a combination of numbers and alphabets, and I want only alphabets from my enrollment number.
  1. Input (Enrollment Number): SOE14CE13017  
  2. Expected Output: SOECE  
SQL Query to Get Alphabets From String
DECLARE @strEnrollmentNumber NVARCHAR(MAX) = 'SOE14CE13017'  
DECLARE @intNumber INT    
SET @intNumber = PATINDEX('%[^A-Za-z]%', @strEnrollmentNumber)    
WHILE @intNumber > 0    
    SET @strEnrollmentNumber = STUFF(@strEnrollmentNumber, @intNumber, 1, '' )    
    SET @intNumber = PATINDEX('%[^A-Za-z]%', @strEnrollmentNumber )    

As you can see in the query above, here, we have declared two different temp variables @strEnrollmentNumber which indicates an Input string, and @intNumber that is taken to check whether the input string contains a number or not. Then using the PATINDEX function of the SQL server we have identified that the string input string contains a number or not and stored the return value of this function into @intNumber.
In SQL server PATINDEX is a function that accepts search pattern and expression(input string) as a parameter and returns, starting position of the first occurrence of the pattern in a specified expression(input string), PATINDEX will return 0 if the pattern is not found in the specified expression(input string). Here, we have used a pattern '%[^A-Za-z]%' that indicates only alphabets from a to z and A to Z.
Now, by using the while loop in the SQL server we removed the numbers from the input string which not match with the given pattern '%[^A-Za-z]%' one by one using the STUFF function and store the result in the @strEnrollmentNumber variable and again set the value of @intNumber as per the specified pattern '%[^A-Za-z]%' as we used condition @intNumber > 0 in while loop, So it will do the same process again and again and remove numbers from the input string one by one till @intNumber gets 0 and remove all the numbers from the input string.
In SQL Server STUFF() function is used to deletes a specified sequence of characters from a source/Input string and then inserts another set of sequence of characters at a specified starting point. I have written an article on STUFF() function with syntax and examples that you might like to read.
Use of Query
SELECT @strEnrollmentNumber  


You also can create a function to get only alphabets from the input string to reduce the complexity of the query.
Function to Get Alphabets From String
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[GetAlphabetsFromString]  
    @strInputString  VARCHAR(MAX)  
    DECLARE @intValue INT    
    SET @intValue = PATINDEX('%[^A-Za-z]%', @strInputString)    
    WHILE @intValue > 0    
        SET @strInputString = STUFF(@strInputString, @intValue, 1, '' )    
        SET @intValue = PATINDEX('%[^A-Za-z]%', @strInputString )    
    RETURN ISNULL(@strInputString,'')    
Use of Function
SELECT dbo.GetAlphabetsFromString('SOE14CE13017')  


As you can see in the created function above here we have created a function that accepts inputString as an argument and all the logic is the same as I explained in the above SQL query to return only alphabets from the string. Finally, this function returns the varchar value from the string and if the input string dose does not contain any alphabets then this function will return an empty string.

In this article, we learned how to split the alphabets from the alphanumeric string in the SQL server as well as about the PATINDEX() and STUFF() function of the SQL server and way create a function in the SQL server that returns a varchar value.

HostForLIFEASP.NET SQL Server 2019 Hosting

SQL Server 2019 Hosting - HostForLIFEASP.NET :: Storage What SQL Server DBAs Need To Know

clock January 21, 2021 06:56 by author Peter

“One Gerbil, Two Gerbils or Three Gerbils?” is a common DBA joke about server and storage performance. No matter how many gerbils power your storage, you need to know what type they are and the power that they provide. Storage is not about gerbils it is about IOPs, bandwidth, latency, and tiers.

As a DBA it is important for you to understand and know what kind of storage is attached to your servers and how it is handling your data. It is not important to master everything about it, but it is very advantageous to be able to talk to your storage admins or “Gerbil CoLo, LLC” provider intelligently especially when you experience performance issues. Here is a list of things to I encourage you to know and ask.

IOPS stands for I/O (single read/write request) Operations Per Second. This is a performance metric that is dependent on the type of storage being used and can vary widely. It is important to understand how fast your storage can process data by knowing the expected IOPs and the actual IOPs once the array is processing workloads.
Bandwidth or Throughput
This is the measure of the size of the data in the I/O request. You can figure out throughput by taking I/O request size multiplied by the IOPs the Measure will be in Megabytes and Gigabytes per second.
In my opinion this is the most important metric to understand. It’s the time it takes to process that I/O request. Its an indicator of a possible storage bottleneck. You measure this time from when the request is issued to when the request is completed. This determines the responsiveness of your storage.
Storage Tier & Automatic Storage Tiers
A modern day array can be divided into tiers some of those tiers can be slower spinning disks while others can be fast flash or a hybrid of both. I think of these in terms of gerbils. You can get a small gerbil who has little legs that can run a marathon, a medium one that runs at a moderate speed 5k and a large gerbil that’s a speed racer. These together can work separately (pinned) or merged into a team like in a relay. Your data can be pass like a baton through each tier (automatic). Another words your data can be demoted or promoted between tiers of the storage device when needed for performance and compacity.
Performance Metrics
Note these apply to the Guest OS, there are metrics for the Hypervisor/Storage Stack that DBA’s do not normally have access to. The important part is that the different parts of the stack should mainly be in agreement about those numbers. If latency at the array side > latency at the Guest OS level, there is a big issue somewhere

  • Avg. Disk sec/Read – Shows the average read latency.
  • Avg. Disk sec/Write – Shows the average write latency.
  • Avg. Disk sec/Transfer – Shows the combined averages for both read and writes.
  • Disk Transfers/sec - is the rate of read and write operations on the disk.
  • Disk Reads/sec - is the rate of read operations on the disk.
  • Disk Writes/sec - is the rate of write operations on the disk.
  • Avg. Disk Queue Length - is the average number of both read and write requests that were queued for the selected disk during the sample interval.
  • Current Disk Queue Length - is the number of requests outstanding on the disk at the time the performance data is collected.

Storage Types
RAID (redundant array of independent disks)
RAID is a solution that protects your data from a disk failure. You tend to hear administrators talk in terms of RAID 0,1,5,6 and 10. As database administrators you need to know what RAID type your data is on. For Tempdb you want it on the fastest RAID as possible RAID 1 or 10 while maintaining disk fault tolerance. This is usually old SANs and no longer a concern with modern storage arrays. Modern arrays take a different approach with object-based storage models, which is more like the cloud.
High speed storage based on non-volatile memory, you may see it referred to as NVMe, Non-volatile Memory Express. These are SSD, solid state drives. One thing to keep in mind is that NVMe’s are SSDs but not all SSDs are NVMe’s there are different types of SSDs. Not matter what type of SSD it is these are really great for Tempdb workloads.
This is referred to as HCI. Both the storage, networking and compute are bundled into one. This is a newest all in one hardware that claims to save money and creates ease of use. Keep in mind that these now means the HCI processing power is now handling everything (networking, storage, IOPS, etc).

A capture of the state of your data is taken at a point in time. These snapshots can be used as restores or backup copies. These are usually snapshot copies of your mdf and ldf files. Note: Uncommitted transactions are not captured, and snapshots are not necessarily a replacement for backups. If your sysadmin asks about doing snapshots in lieu of backups, it’s your job ask a lot of hard questions to backup or storage vendor who is doing the snapshots and test both the back and more importantly the recovery. You need to be asking about to point in time recovery and how to handle page level restores for corruption just to name a couple.
A volume copy of your data, think of this a disk drive copy. It takes the files a makes a replica from snapshots creating a database copy.
Disk Replication (sync and async)
The replication of logical disk volumes from one array to another in real time (synchronous) or asynchronous for disaster recovery and continuity.
If you can educate yourself on these it will go a long way to being able to make sure you can have intelligent conversations with your storage admins or providers. This will enable you to better ensure you can advocate for your SQL environment when you experience performance issues related to storage. If your data is hosted elsewhere, like Gerbil Colo, LLC or even in a public cloud like Azure, make sure they can provide the above metrics to you. If they can’t, it might be time to host your data elsewhere.

HostForLIFEASP.NET SQL Server 2019 Hosting

SQL Server 2019 Hosting - HostForLIFEASP.NET :: SQL Server Create And Execute Parameterized Stored Procedure From Another Stored Procedure

clock January 13, 2021 06:54 by author Peter

In this article I am going to explain how to create and execute parameterized stored procedure from another stored procedure, how to prevent SQL Injection attacks, and how to insert data in the table using stored procedure in SQL Server with an example. And also I'll show you how you can use the procedure in SQL Server with an example.
When working with any data-driven application you need the database and you also need some data manipulation operations in DBMS (Database Management System) such as selection, insertion, updating, deletion and etc.
Your database may contain some useful and confidential information so it is necessary to protect it from any unauthorized activity and implement some security credentials with your DBMS (Database Management System) to secure your data from unauthorized activity.
If you're working with an SQL server then a stored procedure is one of the best options for data manipulation operations because a stored procedure accepts parameters as an argument, and parameterized statements prevent code injection techniques such as "SQL Injection" that might destroy your database.
So, here I will show you how you can use stored procedures in your SQL server database.
Insert data in the table using a stored procedure.
Create a Stored Procedure in SQL Server.
Call or Execute Stored Procedure in SQL Server.
Call or Execute Stored Procedure From Another Stored Procedure in SQL Server.
Select and Display Inserted Data in Tabular Format in SQL Server Using Stored Procedure.

Before starting the actual implementation of our example we need a database for demonstration, so first we will create a database.
Create Database
    CREATE DATABASE db_europeanwindowshosting 

Before creating a stored procedure I will show you the syntax of the stored procedure in SQL Server.
    CREATE PROCEDURE Your_Procedure_Name  
    -- list of parameters i.g: @Id INT = 0, @EmpName VARCHAR(50)=''  
    -- SQL statements  

Now, we will start to write our stored procedure something like,
Create First Stored Procedure
    CREATE PROCEDURE Employee_Insert  
    @EmpId INT,   
    @EmpName VARCHAR(50),  
    @EmpDesignation  VARCHAR(50)  
    -- Declare temporary table  
    DECLARE @Temp1 TABLE (EmployeeId INT, EmployeeName VARCHAR(50), EmployeeDesignation VARCHAR(50))  
    -- insert records in the temporary table  
    INSERT INTO @temp1 (EmployeeId, EmployeeName, EmployeeDesignation)  
         VALUES(1,'Peter','Software Engineer'),  
         (2,'Scott','Web Developer'),  
         (3,'Alexandria','Business Development Executive'),  
         (4,'Tom','Business Development Executive'),  
         (5,'Martin','Software Engineer')  
    -- Select all records from the temporary table      
    SELECT EmployeeId, EmployeeName, EmployeeDesignation FROM @Temp1  
    -- Select specific records from temporary table  
    SELECT EmployeeId, EmployeeName, EmployeeDesignation FROM @Temp1 WHERE EmployeeId = @EmpId AND EmployeeName = @EmpName AND EmployeeDesignation = @EmpDesignation  

If you analyzed the above procedure then you can see @EmpId, @EmpName, and @EmpDesignation where @ can be described as a parameter.
Now, I will show you how to create a second stored procedure and how you can insert data in the table using the first created stored procedure, and for that, I used a temporary table.
Create Second Stored Procedure
Now it's time to call/execute/create the stored procedure and insert data in table and also display the result in tabular format, for that here we will create another stored procedure and will call/execute the created stored procedure.

    CREATE PROCEDURE Employee_GetData  
    @Id INT,   
    @Name VARCHAR(50),  
    @Designation  VARCHAR(50)  
    -- Execute First Procedure  
    EXECUTE Employee_Insert @EmpId = @Id , @EmpName = @Name, @EmpDesignation = @Designation  

Again if you analyze the above procedure then you can see our first created stored procedure is executed with "EXEC." You  can also use "EXECUTE", where @Id, @Name, and @Designation send parameters to the first stored procedure.

    --Execute Second Procedure By Passing Parameters  
    EXEC Employee_GetData @id=1, @name='Peter', @Designation ='Software Engineer'  

Now we will call/execute our second created procedure that will call/execute our first created procedure with the actual result as per our requirement.

HostForLIFEASP.NET SQL Server 2019 Hosting


SQL Server 2019 Hosting - :: Resizing Tempdb In SQL Server

clock October 21, 2020 08:05 by author Peter

Occasionally, we must resize or realign our Tempdb log file (.ldf) or data files (.mdf or .ndf) due to a growth event that forces the file size out of whack. To resize we have three options, restart the SQL Server Service, add additional files, or shrink the current file. We most likely have all been faced with runaway log files and in an emergency situation restarting the SQL Services may not be an option but we still need to get our log file size smaller before we run out of disk space for example. The process of shrinking down that file can get tricky so I created this flow chart to help you out if you ever get into this situation.

Now its very important to note that many of these commands will clear your cache and will greatly impact your server performance as it warms cache backup. In addition, you should not shrink your database data or log file unless absolutely necessary. But doing so, it can result in a corrupt tempdb.
First thing you must do is issue a Checkpoint. A checkpoint marks the log as a “good up to here” point of reference. It lets the SQL Server Database Engine know it can start applying changes contained in the log during recovery after this point if an unexpected shutdown or crash occurs. Anything prior to the check point is what I like to call “Hardened”. This means all the dirty pages in memory have been written to disk, specifically to the .mdf and .ndf files. So, it is important to make that mark in the log before you proceed. Now, we know tempdb is not recovered during a restart it is recreated, however this is still a requirement.
    USE TEMPDB;    

Next, we try to shrink the log by issuing a DBCC SHRINKFILE command. This is the step that frees the unallocated space from the database file if there is any unallocated space available. You will note the Shrink? decision block in the diagram after this step. It is possible that there is no unallocated space and you will need to move further along the path to free some up and try again.
    USE TEMPDB;    
    DBCC SHRINKFILE (templog, 1000);   --Shrinks it to 1GB  

If the database shrinks, great congratulations, however for some of us we still might have work to do. Next up is to try and free up some of that allocated space by running DBCC DROPCLEANBUFFERS and DBCC FREEPROCCACHE.

Clears the clean buffers from the buffer pool and columnstore object pool. This will flush cached indexes and data pages.

Clears the procedure cache, you are probably familiar with as a performance tuning tool in development. It will clean out all your execution plans from cache which may free up some space in tempdb. As we know though, this will create a performance as your execution plans now have to make it back into cache on their next execution and will not get the benefit of plan reuse. Now it’s not really clear why this works, so I asked tempdb expert Pam Lahoud (B|T) for clarification as to why this has anything to do with tempdb. Both of us are diving into this to understand exactly why this works. I believe it to be related to Tempdb using cached objects and memory objects associated with stored procedures which can have latches and locks on them that need to be release by running this. Check back for further clarification, I'll be updating this as I find out more.


Once these two commands have been run and you have attempted to free up some space you can now try the DBCC SHRINKFILE command again. For most this should make the shrink possible and you will be good to go. Unfortunately, a few more of us may have to take a couple more steps through to get to that point.
The last two things I do when I have no other choice to get my log file smaller is to run those last two commands in the process. These should do the trick and get the log to shrink.
This command will flush any distributed query connection cache, meaning queries that are between two or more servers.


This command will release all unused remaining cache entries from all cache stores including temp table cache. This covers any temp table or table variables remaining in cache that need to be released.

In my early days as a database administrator I would have loved to have this diagram. Having some quick steps during stressful situations such as tempdb’s log file filling up on me would have been a huge help. So hopefully someone will find this handy and will be able to use it to take away a little of their stress.

SQL Server 2019 Hosting - :: SQL Injection Protection Methods

clock September 22, 2020 09:33 by author Peter

In this article, we are going to look at SQL Injection Protection Methods. SQL Injection is one of the most dangerous issues any organization can ever go through because it threatens organizational and customer confidentiality and integrity.

For us to be able to counter or prevent SQL Injection we need to look closely at how each type of Injection is implemented to figure out how best to avoid the implemented method. To start with we will look at the means of injection which in this case is SQL statements. Every type of injection is manipulating a SQL statement to pass a malicious statement. So can this be avoided? Yes. It is very true that SQL injections have remained a huge threat to web development and preventing them has not yet proven to be 100% accurate but in the meantime, there are some measures and vulnerabilities that we can handle and still be to limit the exposure to injection attacks.
Prevention of SQL Injections
In-band Injection (Classic) includes Error-Based Injection and Union-based injection. With this type of injection, the attacker uses the same channel to launch and gather information. The biggest vulnerability in this attack is dynamic SQL statements either in a simple statement or a stored procedure. Often developers assume that Stored Procedures are not injection targets but they are if they are implemented dynamically. In a secure application, it is handy to use a parameterized query which behaves as if it's pre-running the query with placeholder data in the input field, and this way the server knows what command to expect. This way the query will not be altered outside the expected variables (i.e. a SELECT statement cannot be changed to a DROP statement).
    EXEC SelectAllCustomers @FulName = '" + parameter1 + "', @PostalCode = '" + parameter2 + "'  

A Stored Procedure implemented in this way will still be open to injection attack because of its dynamic nature. Since a lot has been tried and has failed, the most secure way to protect our web applications from Classic Injection is to use strict validations on user input. This has its disadvantages because it might restrict users when they using the application but it is the safest way to avoid Classic injection.
In applications one can use the following Validation Control to monitor user input.
<asp:RegularExpressionValidator ID="RegularExpressionValidator1" ControlToValidate="TextBox1" ValidationExpression="[a-zA-Z0-9]*[^!@%~?:#$%^&*()0']*" runat="server" ErrorMessage="Invalid Input" ForeColor="Red" Font-Size="XX-Small" Display="dynamic" Font-Italic="true"></asp:RegularExpressionValidator>  

The above control will ensure that no special characters are included in the user input and will show a client-side response to inform the user that the input cannot be accepted.

And this will only allow letters and numbers which basically cannot be used in the injection. This may be seen as a disadvantage given that there some unique names such as ‘Ren’ee’ with special characters in them and this might limit user flexibility when using the web application.

Other than this we should also bear in mind that databases have their own security features which include READ and WRITE permissions so it is very important to ensure that our database cannot allow READ and WRITE permissions to UNKNOWN logins. You can find more on MSSQL permissions via this link.
Microsoft also put out an SQL Injection Inspection Tool that sniffs out invalidated input that is contained in the query. There are also other tools available online to search and scan your web application or website for vulnerabilities. They test your application using different types of SQL injection techniques. This will allow you to know the weaknesses and fix them beforehand.
The use of a Web Application Firewall for web applications that access databases can help identify SQL injection attempts and may help prevent SQL injection attempts from reaching the application.
Another safety precaution would be to encrypt passwords in the database. Password hashing is a safe way of ensuring that confidential passwords are not stored in the database as plain-text as this could also culminate into an internal threat if an untrusted member of the organization has access to the database. Encrypting passwords on insertion may be one way to ensure that the malicious attacker will not gain access to sensitive information.
The following snippet shows an insert statement that makes use of one-way hashing and encrypts just the input given by the user and this makes the database safer. There are many other ways of encryption which are supported by MS SQL Server.
    INSERT INTO dbo.[tblUser] (user_login, PasswordHash, FullName, Dept)  
            VALUES(@user_login, HASHBYTES('SHA2_512', @PWD), @pFullName, @Dept)  

Data in the table will look like this,

Another tip is to use error messages that reveals little of what is happening internally. In Try...Catch statements it is wiser to use a custom message once an exception has been encountered.
    Using con As New SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("Constring").ConnectionString)  
    Using cmd = New SqlCommand("SaveBeneficiary", con)  
    cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure  
    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Surname", txtBenSurname.Text)  
    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@firstName", txtBenfName.Text)  
    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@sex", cmbSex.SelectedValue)  
    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@IDNum", txtBenIDNO.Text)  
    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Marital_Status", cmbBenMaritalStatus.SelectedValue)  
    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@DOB", txtBenDOB.Text)  
    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Address", txtBenAddress.Text)  
    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Phone", txtBenContact.Text)  
    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Employer", txtBenEmployer.Text)  
    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Relationship", cmbRelationship.SelectedValue)  
    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@PolicyNum", txtPolicyNo.Text)  
    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@isDeceased", 0)  
    If con.State = ConnectionState.Open Then  
    End If  
    Response.Write("<script>alert('Beneficiary Details Successfully Saved') ; location.href='customer_registration.aspx'</script>")  
    Catch ex As Exception  
    End Try  

It is wiser to use the ex.Message for internal debugging and show little information to the users for protection.
For attacks such as Out-of-band injection you would want to ensure that your application does not have the following weaknesses:
    No network security parameters to restrict DNS or HTTP outbound requests.
    Sufficient privileges to execute the necessary function to initiate the outbound request.
    Lack of input validation on a web application.

Once these vulnerabilities are taken care of, it will ensure that your data is not attacked and accessed using an unknown domain, thus your application will be safe from Out-band Injection.
Prevention from SQL injection can also be countered through the use of modern and trusted technologies but all the information above can help you prevent your application from unauthorized and unwanted access.

SQL Server 2019 Hosting - :: Resizing Tempdb In SQL Server

clock September 16, 2020 08:36 by author Peter

Occasionally, we must resize or realign our Tempdb log file (.ldf) or data files (.mdf or .ndf) due to a growth event that forces the file size out of whack. To resize we have three options, restart the SQL Server Service, add additional files, or shrink the current file. We most likely have all been faced with runaway log files and in an emergency situation restarting the SQL Services may not be an option but we still need to get our log file size smaller before we run out of disk space for example. The process of shrinking down that file can get tricky so I created this flow chart to help you out if you ever get into this situation.
Now its very important to note that many of these commands will clear your cache and will greatly impact your server performance as it warms cache backup. In addition, you should not shrink your database data or log file unless absolutely necessary. But doing so, it can result in a corrupt tempdb.
Let’s walk through it and explain somethings as we go along.
First thing you must do is issue a Checkpoint. A checkpoint marks the log as a “good up to here” point of reference. It lets the SQL Server Database Engine know it can start applying changes contained in the log during recovery after this point if an unexpected shutdown or crash occurs. Anything prior to the check point is what I like to call “Hardened”. This means all the dirty pages in memory have been written to disk, specifically to the .mdf and .ndf files. So, it is important to make that mark in the log before you proceed. Now, we know tempdb is not recovered during a restart it is recreated, however this is still a requirement.
    USE TEMPDB;    

Next, we try to shrink the log by issuing a DBCC SHRINKFILE command. This is the step that frees the unallocated space from the database file if there is any unallocated space available. You will note the Shrink? decision block in the diagram after this step. It is possible that there is no unallocated space and you will need to move further along the path to free some up and try again.
    USE TEMPDB;    
    DBCC SHRINKFILE (templog, 1000);   --Shrinks it to 1GB

If the database shrinks, great congratulations, however for some of us we still might have work to do. Next up is to try and free up some of that allocated space by running DBCC DROPCLEANBUFFERS and DBCC FREEPROCCACHE.


Clears the clean buffers from the buffer pool and columnstore object pool. This will flush cached indexes and data pages.

Clears the procedure cache, you are probably familiar with as a performance tuning tool in development. It will clean out all your execution plans from cache which may free up some space in tempdb. As we know though, this will create a performance as your execution plans now have to make it back into cache on their next execution and will not get the benefit of plan reuse. Now it’s not really clear why this works, so I asked tempdb expert Pam Lahoud (B|T) for clarification as to why this has anything to do with tempdb. Both of us are diving into this to understand exactly why this works. I believe it to be related to Tempdb using cached objects and memory objects associated with stored procedures which can have latches and locks on them that need to be release by running this. Check back for further clarification, I'll be updating this as I find out more.

Once these two commands have been run and you have attempted to free up some space you can now try the DBCC SHRINKFILE command again. For most this should make the shrink possible and you will be good to go. Unfortunately, a few more of us may have to take a couple more steps through to get to that point.
The last two things I do when I have no other choice to get my log file smaller is to run those last two commands in the process. These should do the trick and get the log to shrink.
This command will flush any distributed query connection cache, meaning queries that are between two or more servers.

This command will release all unused remaining cache entries from all cache stores including temp table cache. This covers any temp table or table variables remaining in cache that need to be released.

In my early days as a database administrator I would have loved to have this diagram. Having some quick steps during stressful situations such as tempdb’s log file filling up on me would have been a huge help. So hopefully someone will find this handy and will be able to use it to take away a little of their stress. SQL Server 2016 Hosting is European Windows Hosting Provider which focuses on Windows Platform only. We deliver on-demand hosting solutions including Shared hosting, Reseller Hosting, Cloud Hosting, Dedicated Servers, and IT as a Service for companies of all sizes.


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HostForLIFE is European Windows Hosting Provider which focuses on Windows Platform only. We deliver on-demand hosting solutions including Shared hosting, Reseller Hosting, Cloud Hosting, Dedicated Servers, and IT as a Service for companies of all sizes.

We have offered the latest Windows 2019 Hosting, ASP.NET 5 Hosting, ASP.NET MVC 6 Hosting and SQL 2019 Hosting.

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