European Windows 2019 Hosting BLOG

BLOG about Windows 2019 Hosting and SQL 2019 Hosting - Dedicated to European Windows Hosting Customer

European SQL Hosting - Amsterdam :: Combine Multiple Columns And Records In MS SQL Server

clock May 20, 2013 11:55 by author Scott

In this example i am going to describe how to combine multiple columns and records in one column in MS SQL.

Here is the scenario

I have a table having Employees names and their respective Department names,
now i want to show Employees names separated by comma into one column and respective Department name in another column.

My table schema is shown in the image below

And this is Data into table

I want output in following format

                                  Department                               FirstName
                                   IT                                             amiT,Emp1,Emp5
                                  Admin                                       Shobhit, Emp3,Emp7

and so on

To get this desired result we need to write below mentioned query

3EmpNames = substring( ( SELECT ', ' + FirstName
4FROM Employees e2
5WHERE e2.Department = e1.Department FOR XML path(''), elements
7FROM Employees e1

And the output of this SQL Query would be

European SQL 2012 Hosting - Amsterdam :: Database Backup With Compression in SQL Server 2012

clock May 17, 2013 08:20 by author Scott

In this article, we will see how to do Database Backup Compression in SQL Server 2012. To do that you can use SQL Server Management Studio and also you can use a Transact-SQL statement. So let's have a look at a practical example of how to do database backup with compression. The example is developed in SQL Server 2012 using the SQL Server Management Studio.

To visually create a Database Backup

Now Press F8 to open the Object Browser in SQL Server Management Studio and expend it.

Select database then right-click on the selected database then click on "Task" then click on "Back Up".

This will open the following window:

To specify the destination of the database, select the destination then click on the Add Button. We then see a new dialog box, click on the browse button to choose the location

Now next click on "Options" and the following screen appears:

Now select Compress Backup.

The above image contains three options to select:

  1. The first option, "Use the default server settings" tells the backup to use the server's default backup compression setting. By default, it is set to have backup compression off.
  2. The Second option "Compress Backup" turns backup compression on.
  3. The "Do not compress backup" option turns it off.

Now click again on the "General" option.

Now you will see that the database backup has completed successfully.


European Cloud Hosting - Amsterdam :: The Benefits of Using Cloud Hosting

clock May 13, 2013 12:17 by author Scott

There are a number of benefits to cloud hosting, some of which might not directly apply to your business model. The following five benefits of application hosting are those that can certainly apply to every company and the way that they conduct business in the increasingly competitive world that we all live in.

1. Lowered Hardware and Software Investment Costs
Cloud hosting effectively removes the need that your business might otherwise have for large servers. Servers and the maintenance of your servers can be incredibly expensive. Another consideration in terms of cost reductions is that cloud hosting reduces your need to purchase potentially costly software upgrades. Your managed hosting company will shoulder all of the costs to ensure that your dedicated servers are up-to-date and that the version of the application you are using is the most recent.

2. Increased Speed
Because the servers that your applications are hosted on are dedicated to your business needs, you'll notice that the amount of time needed to bring up your application on your laptop or desktop computer is decreased dramatically. Even hosting locally can result in a lot of time spent waiting for the application to load, which then can result in a loss of productivity for your staff.

3. Growth, As Needed
As your need for storage grows, you'll be able to add on extra processing power, extra RAM, and other needed resources as you need them. This means that when you are looking into the costs of managed hosting, you can invest in packages that offer you just enough for now, and then add resources later on as you need them. This type of flexibility can also offer you the potential for significant savings.

4. Lowered Maintenance Costs
Remote application hosting will mean that your business doesn't have the need to have as much hardware onsite. This can result in a decrease in the need to maintain hardware, which can also result in not needing to hired dedicate IT staff. Because cloud hosting uses fewer physical resources at your place of business, you will have less in the way of hardware to maintain, and you will also see a decrease in your over operational costs.

5. Backups - Data Security
One of the key benefits of cloud hosting is that they have exceptional disaster recovery services in place. This means that if one data center experiences an outage, your application and data will be accessible from a separate data center. On the user end you may experience nothing more than a brief delay logging into your application, as the disaster recovery services kick in to ensure that your backed up data is readily available to you when you need it.

There are some definite benefits to cloud hosting, for companies of all sizes. It is worth taking the time to consider just how cloud hosting can make a positive difference in your company's ability to be efficient in all areas of professional excellence. You'll see an increase in productivity, a decrease in IT expenses, and an increase in operational flexibility.

European Visual Studio LightSwitch Hosting - Amsterdam :: How to Deploy LightSwitch in Visual Studio 2012

clock May 3, 2013 07:37 by author Scott

In this article I describe the LightSwitch development environment in Visual Studio 2012. We can easily create a LightSwitch application using Visual Studio LightSwitch 2012.

LightSwitch Development in Visual Studio 2012

Visual Studio LightSwitch automatically creates the User Interface for a DataSource without manually writing any code.

In order to begin our work with LightSwitch 2012 we will perform the following steps:

Step 1

1. Open the Visual Studio 2012.
2. Go to "File" => "New" => "Project..."
3. In "New Project" => "Installed" => "Template"
4. In "Template" => "LightSwitch"
5. Select "LightSwitch Application (Visual C#)".
6. Enter the Name and choose the location.
7. Click "OK".

Step 2

After creating the project a LightSwitch Designer will appear on the screen.

LightSwitch Designer consists of the following two options:

- we can create a new table for our application.
- we can also attach an external database. 

Step 3

Now we will see that Solution Explorer consists of a list of the following items along with two folders:

- Data Sources
- Screens

Here the "Data Sources" folder is used to store user data i.e. "Database Tables" and the "Screens" folder is used where we can create the user interface for our application.

Step 4

When we click on "Create new table" we will get the following image:

Each table consists of an "Id" that is automatically assigned and is also a "Primary Key" of the table.

Step 5

First we will rename the title of the table from "Table" to "ContactTable". Now we will add four additional columns called "Name", "Email", "Age" and "Address" to our table.

Step 6

In order to insert the record we need to create a User Interface screen. When we right-click on the "Screens" Folder we will click on "Add New." It will open the "Add New Screen" dialog window. As the window opens we will select "New Data Screen" from the Screen Template, we will also provide a Screen Name to our screen and choose the database table.

In order to continue we will Click on the "Ok" button. This will create a new UI screen for inserting a new data record by a user.

"Properties" are those where you set properties for various items.

Step 7

When we run the UI screen we get the following.

Step 8

Now we are able to insert a new record without writing any code. We don't need to create anything since Visual Studio LightSwitch automatically creates the screen for us with "Save" and "Refresh" buttons.

Step 9

In the following step we insert a record of another user; for that we create a new contact table.

Step 10

In Light Switch validations are automatically applied to the table. We do not need to apply any kind of validation on their own.

Deploy your LightSwitch application with only 3.00 EUR/month with

European SQL Hosting - Amsterdam :: Things to Consider While Restore Your Database

clock May 2, 2013 10:21 by author Scott

Here are some important points to consider while restoring a database backup. Let us first create a sample database named test using the following code.

A new database named test will be created in your server and data and log files are created in the d: drive.

Let us assume that you regularly take backup of this database using the below code:

backup database test to disk='d:\test.bak'

Now if you want to create another database or restore this test database to a new database named testing, you can use the following code

restore database testing from disk='d:\test.bak'

However executing the code above will give you the following error

Msg 1834, Level 16, State 1, Line 2
The file 'h:\test_dat.mdf' cannot be overwritten.  It is being used by database 'test'.
Msg 3156, Level 16, State 4, Line 2
File 'test_dat' cannot be restored to 'h:\test_dat.mdf'. Use WITH MOVE to identify a valid location for the file.
Msg 1834, Level 16, State 1, Line 2
The file 'h:\test_log.ldf' cannot be overwritten.  It is being used by database 'test'.
Msg 3156, Level 16, State 4, Line 2
File 'test_log' cannot be restored to 'h:\test_log.ldf'. Use WITH MOVE to identify a valid location for the file.
Msg 3119, Level 16, State 1, Line 2
Problems were identified while planning for the RESTORE statement. Previous messages provide details.
Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Line 2
RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally.

This error occurs because the data and log files are currently being used by the database test. So you need to give different names for those files while restoring, as shown below

restore database testing from disk='d:\test.bak'
move 'test_dat' to 'd:\testing.mdf',
move 'test_log' to 'd:\testing.ldf'

The above code will work fine and new database will be created with the name testing.

Just be aware of this point while restoring a backup of existing database!


About HostForLIFE

HostForLIFE is European Windows Hosting Provider which focuses on Windows Platform only. We deliver on-demand hosting solutions including Shared hosting, Reseller Hosting, Cloud Hosting, Dedicated Servers, and IT as a Service for companies of all sizes.

We have offered the latest Windows 2019 Hosting, ASP.NET 5 Hosting, ASP.NET MVC 6 Hosting and SQL 2019 Hosting.

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