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Visual Studio UK Hosting - :: Tutorial New API For Refreshing Data in LightSwitch in Visual Studio 2013

clock December 17, 2013 07:47 by author Administrator

New API For Refreshing Data in LightSwitch in Visual Studio 2013

You can get Visual Studio 2013 here:

The Sample Project

When we open it up, it will be converted to the new Visual Studio 2013 format. However, to get it to run we have right-click on the first project

The new refresh() API consists of  two methods that each return a Promise object.

  • Refresh()
    Asynchronously loads the first page of items into this collection and returns a promise that will be fulfilled when the first page is loaded. Existing results will be refreshed on the first page and subsequent pages unless load() is called again.
  • Refresh(navigationPropertyNames)
    Updates the entity with values from the data source if the entity
    is not changed.
    <param name="navigationPropertyNames" type="Array" optional="true">
    . An array of names of navigation properties to be included. An empty array means no properties will be included. If not specified, all reference properties are included.

Sample usage

  • Refresh the Order entity and its Customer, Employee, Shipper


  • Refresh only the Order entity


  • Refresh the Order entity and its Customer


The Problem

Let’s say we have a field on the Order entity that is updated in the save pipeline when an associated OrderDetail record is updated.

In the OrderDetail record, the updating event looks like this:

We can update an OrderDetail record

Save the changes. But the time is unchanged on the screen (even though it has been updated in the database).

The Solution

We can instantly have the entity updated if we use the new refresh() method.

To do so requires us to implement our own code to open the edit screen (so we have an opportunity to implement the refresh code).
We select the Item Tap action for the Orders list.

Select Write my own method.

We then edit the code for the method we created.
We use the following code:

myapp.Main.Order_ItemTap_execute = function (screen) {
    myapp.showAddEditOrder(null, {
        beforeShown: function (addEditOrderScreen) {
            // Set the Order on the AddEditOrder screen
            // to the selected Order on the Main screen
            addEditOrderScreen.Order = screen.Orders.selectedItem;}
        afterClosed: function (addEditScreen, navigationAction) {
            // If the user commits the change,
            // update the selected order on the Main screen
            if (navigationAction === msls.NavigateBackAction.commit) {
 // *****************************************
// The .refresh() method refreshes the Order

When we update the record we will see the date instantly updated without the need to refresh the entire screen.

Visual Studio Hosting - - Spain :: Integrating PayPal With Visual Studio LightSwitch

clock December 10, 2013 05:35 by author Administrator

This example application shows how you can integrate a complex API such as PayPal Adaptive Payments with Visual Studio LightSwitch.

The Sample Application

You can test out the sample application at:

(use your user name and password of your account)

Note: All transactions are real and your PayPal account will be debited $2.00. However, please  do not complete a transaction and then reverse the charges, that will cause me quite a hassle.

A user can browse the available pictures and purchase a copy by clicking the Buy a Copy button.

  • They are taken to a page where they can click the Buy Now button.

  • They are taken to the PayPal site where they can pay.

  • They can use a credit card (if the merchant account has that option), check, or their PayPal account.

  • After making payment they see a confirmation.


  • They are taken back to the application, to the My Purchases page.

Clicking on a purchase record will take them to a page where they can download the picture, if the payment has cleared.


  • If the payment has not cleared, it will say so and display any error messages. Once payment has cleared this page will allow them to download the picture.

  • Any user can upload their own pictures, indicate that they are a Merchant, and enter their PayPal account.

An administrator can see and diagnose all transactions. The administrator is defined when the application is published using the Visual Studio LightSwitch publishing wizard.

The administrator PayPal account is also configured in the web.config file (this is covered in the next section).

The PayPal API

Also note, the PayPal IPN notifications, will only work if the application has been published using the using the Visual Studio LightSwitch publishing wizard and is at a location that can be reached by the PayPal servers.


The code in the sample LightSwitch application uses the PayPal Adaptive Payments Classic API: You can get a complete overview of PayPal Adaptive Payments at this link:

Specifically it uses the Pay API call to make a parallel payment:

It also uses the PayPal IPN Classic API to determine when a payment has been completed:

Running The Sample Application

  • You will also need to go to: to create a PayPal Classic Application (this is because at the time of this writing the Adaptive Payments API is not available using the newer REST Services API).

  • Create a new application. This will create a Sandbox ID that you will need to also put in the web.config of the sample app.

  • When you create your application, use the settings in the image above.

You will need to create PayPal Sandbox test accounts:

The merchant test account will need to be entered in the web.config of the LightSwitch application.

  • The sample transactions will need three accounts and no two can be the same so you will need to create two additional test accounts (besides the test merchant account that will be created for you) to use to test the application.

Open the sample LightSwitch application (available on the downloads page), switch to file view, and open the Web.config, and enter the values in the spaces marked ***.

The application should now work.

If it doesn’t work for you:

Also note: the PayPal IPN notifications will only work if the application has been published using the using the Visual Studio LightSwitch publishing wizard and is at a location that can be reached by the PayPal servers.

When the sample application was created, I used the PayPal Nuget package to install the needed binaries:

Exploring The Sample Application

The PayPal version adds additional tables and screens.

Note that important code is implemented to properly secure the PayPal tables:

     // PayPalPurchaseTransactions
        #region PayPalPurchaseTransactions
        partial void PayPalPurchaseTransactions_Filter(ref Expression<Func<PayPalPurchaseTransaction, bool>> filter)
            // Only an Admin can see the entire table
            if (!(this.Application.User.HasPermission(Permissions.SecurityAdministration)))
                // Users can see any Transction where they are the buyer or the seller
                filter = e => e.PurchaserUserName == this.Application.User.Identity.Name
                    || e.SellerUserName == this.Application.User.Identity.Name;
        partial void PayPalPurchaseTransactions_Inserting(PayPalPurchaseTransaction entity)
            // Set time and IP Address
            var context = System.Web.HttpContext.Current;
            entity.PurchaseTime = DateTime.Now;
            entity.PurchaseIPAddress = context.Request.UserHostAddress;
            // Payment Status is always set to Pending
            entity.payment_status = "Pending";
        partial void PayPalPurchaseTransactions_Updating(PayPalPurchaseTransaction entity)
            // An update can only be made by the orginal user
            if (!(entity.PurchaserUserName == this.Application.User.Identity.Name
                || entity.SellerUserName == this.Application.User.Identity.Name
                || this.Application.User.HasPermission(Permissions.SecurityAdministration)))
               throw new Exception(string.Format("Only buyer, seller or administrator can update!"));
            // Payment Status is always set to Pending
            // IPN handler updated this value directly outside of oData
            entity.payment_status = "Pending";
        partial void PayPalPurchaseTransactions_CanDelete(ref bool result)
            // Only an Admin can access the table (.ashx file has an override)
            result = this.Application.User.HasPermission(Permissions.SecurityAdministration);
        // PayPalIpnTransactions
        #region PayPalIpnTransactions
        partial void PayPalIpnTransactions_CanDelete(ref bool result)
            // Only an Admin can access the table (.ashx file has an override)
            result = this.Application.User.HasPermission(Permissions.SecurityAdministration);
        partial void PayPalIpnTransactions_CanInsert(ref bool result)
            // Only an Admin can access the table (.ashx file has an override)
           result = this.Application.User.HasPermission(Permissions.SecurityAdministration);
        partial void PayPalIpnTransactions_CanUpdate(ref bool result)
            // Only an Admin can access the table (.ashx file has an override)
            result = this.Application.User.HasPermission(Permissions.SecurityAdministration);
        partial void PayPalIpnTransactions_CanRead(ref bool result)
            // Only an Admin can access the table (.ashx file has an override)
            result = this.Application.User.HasPermission(Permissions.SecurityAdministration);
        // PayPalTransactions
        #region PayPalTransactions
        partial void PayPalTransactions_CanDelete(ref bool result)
            // Only an Admin can access the table (.ashx file has an override)
            result = this.Application.User.HasPermission(Permissions.SecurityAdministration);
        partial void PayPalTransactions_CanInsert(ref bool result)
            // Only an Admin can access the table (.ashx file has an override)
            result = this.Application.User.HasPermission(Permissions.SecurityAdministration);
        partial void PayPalTransactions_CanRead(ref bool result)
            // Only an Admin can access the table (.ashx file has an override)
            result = this.Application.User.HasPermission(Permissions.SecurityAdministration);
        partial void PayPalTransactions_CanUpdate(ref bool result)
            // Only an Admin can access the table (.ashx file has an override)
            result = this.Application.User.HasPermission(Permissions.SecurityAdministration);

The Screen

  • The Main screen is the screen customers use to search for and purchase copies of pictures.
  • The following code shows the Buy a Copy button if the person who uploaded the picture is a Merchant:

myapp.Main.isMerchant_render = function (element, contentItem) {
    // Show button if isMerchant
    if (contentItem.value == true) {
        // Get the UserPicture
        var objUserPicture = contentItem.parent;
       element.innerHTML =
         "<button type='button'>Buy a Copy</button>";

  • When the Buy a Picture button is clicked the following code runs that calls the Adaptive Payments handler that contacts PayPal to generate a PayKey:

myapp.Main.UserPictures_ItemTap_execute = function (screen)

{    // Get the selected Picture
    var objUserPicture = screen.UserPictures.selectedItem;
    // Get selected selectedPictureId
    selectedPictureId = screen.UserPictures.selectedItem.Id;  
   // Show the UserPicture
    myapp.showPurchaseItem(objUserPicture, {
        beforeShown: function (PurchaseItemScreen) {
                .then(function PromiseSuccess(AdaptivePaymentsHandlerResult) {
                    // Parse the JSON returned
                    var objPayPalResponse = jQuery.parseJSON(AdaptivePaymentsHandlerResult);
                    // Set the PayPal response
                    PurchaseItemScreen.PayPalRedirectUrl = objPayPalResponse.PayPalRedirectUrl
                        + "_ap-payment&paykey="
                        + objPayPalResponse.PayPalPaykey;
                    PurchaseItemScreen.PayPalPaykey = objPayPalResponse.PayPalPaykey;
                    PurchaseItemScreen.PayPalPaymentExecStatus =
                    PurchaseItemScreen.PayPalError = objPayPalResponse.PayPalError;
                    PurchaseItemScreen.PayPalErrorMessage = objPayPalResponse.PayPalErrorMessage;


  • The following code is the Adaptive Payments handler that contacts PayPal and returns a PayKey:

using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Web;
using System.Collections;
using System.Web.Services;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using PayPal;
using PayPal.Exception;
using PayPal.Util;
using PayPal.AdaptivePayments;
using System.Configuration;
using PayPal.AdaptivePayments.Model;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.LightSwitch.Server;
namespace LightSwitchApplication
    public class PayPalResponse
        public string PayPalRedirectUrl { get; set; }
        public string PayPalPaykey { get; set; }
        public string PayPalPaymentExecStatus { get; set; }
        public bool PayPalError { get; set; }
        public string PayPalErrorMessage { get; set; }
    public class adaptivepaymentshandler : IHttpHandler
        public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
        public bool IsReusable
                return false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Handle Pay API calls
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        private void Pay(HttpContext context)
            // Get the PictureID
            int UserPicturesId = Convert.ToInt32(context.Request.Params["UserPicturesId"]);
            // Global values
            int PayPalPurchaseTransactionId = -1;
            string PayPalRedirectUrl = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PAYPAL_REDIRECT_URL"];
            string SellerPayPalEmail = "";
            string SellerUserName = "";
            // Instantiate PayPalResponse class
            PayPalResponse objPayPalResponse = new PayPalResponse();
            objPayPalResponse.PayPalPaykey = " ";
            objPayPalResponse.PayPalPaymentExecStatus = " ";
            objPayPalResponse.PayPalRedirectUrl = PayPalRedirectUrl;
            objPayPalResponse.PayPalErrorMessage = " ";
            objPayPalResponse.PayPalError = false;
            using (var serverContext =
                // Insert a record in the Transaction table
                var objPayPalTransaction =
                // Get the Picture
                var objPicture = (from Pictures in serverContext.DataWorkspace.ApplicationData
                                  where Pictures.Id == UserPicturesId
                                  select Pictures).FirstOrDefault();
                if (objPicture == null)
                    // No Picture found
                    objPayPalResponse.PayPalError = true;
                    objPayPalResponse.PayPalErrorMessage =
                        string.Format("UserPicturesId {0} not found.", UserPicturesId);
                    // Get the Merchant
                    var objUserProfiles = (from UserProfiles in serverContext.DataWorkspace.ApplicationData
                                           where UserProfiles.UserName == objPicture.UserName
                                           select UserProfiles).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (objUserProfiles == null)
                        // No Seller Found
                        objPayPalResponse.PayPalError = true;
                        objPayPalResponse.PayPalErrorMessage =
                            string.Format("UserName {0} does not have a UserProfile record.", objPicture.UserName);
                        // Set SellerUserName
                        SellerUserName = objUserProfiles.UserName;
                        if (objUserProfiles.PayPalEmail.Length < 5)
                            // Seller does not have a PayPal Email set
                            objPayPalResponse.PayPalError = true;
                            objPayPalResponse.PayPalErrorMessage =
                                string.Format("UserName {0} does not have a PayPal Email set.", objPicture.UserName);
                            // Get values needed to construct PayPal request
                            SellerPayPalEmail = objUserProfiles.PayPalEmail;
                            objPayPalTransaction.payment_status = "Pending";
                            objPayPalTransaction.PayPalError = false;
                            objPayPalTransaction.PayPalRedirectUrl = PayPalRedirectUrl;
                            objPayPalTransaction.PurchaserUserName = Application.Current.User.Name;
                            objPayPalTransaction.SellerPayPalEmail = SellerPayPalEmail;
                            objPayPalTransaction.SellerUserName = objUserProfiles.UserName;
                            // Associate the Picture to the PayPalTransaction
                            objPayPalTransaction.Picture = objPicture;
                            // Save the record so we get a Id to use in the PayPal request
                            // set PayPalPurchaseTransactionId
                            PayPalPurchaseTransactionId = objPayPalTransaction.Id;
                // Proceed if no errors
                if (!objPayPalResponse.PayPalError)
                    string currentPath =
                        .Replace(@"/PayPal/adaptivepaymentshandler.ashx", "");
                    ReceiverList receiverList = new ReceiverList();
                    receiverList.receiver = new List<Receiver>();
                    string strActionType = "PAY";
                    string currencyCode = "USD";
                    string cancelUrl = string.Format(@"{0}/HTMLClient/?mode=cancel", currentPath);
                    string returnUrl = String.Format(@"{0}/HTMLClient/?mode=return", currentPath);
                    string IpnURL = String.Format(@"{0}/PayPal/IPNListener.aspx", currentPath);
                    Receiver Receiver1 = new Receiver(Decimal.Parse("1.0"));
           = SellerPayPalEmail;
                    Receiver1.primary = false;
                    Receiver1.paymentType = "SERVICE";
                    Receiver Receiver2 = new Receiver(Decimal.Parse("1.0"));
           = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PAYPAL_MERCHANT_EMAIL"];
                    Receiver2.primary = false;
                    Receiver2.paymentType = "SERVICE";
                    PayRequest req = new PayRequest(new RequestEnvelope("en_US"),
                    // IPN Url (only enable with a published internet accessable application)
                    req.ipnNotificationUrl = IpnURL; 
                   // set optional parameters
                    //(Optional) Whether to reverse parallel payments if an error occurs with a payment.
                    //Allowable values are:
                    //true – Each parallel payment is reversed if an error occurs
                    //false – Only incomplete payments are reversed (default)
                    req.reverseAllParallelPaymentsOnError = true;
                    //(Optional) A unique ID that you specify to track the payment.
                    //Note: You are responsible for ensuring that the ID is unique.
                    //Maximum length: 127 characters
                    req.trackingId = PayPalPurchaseTransactionId.ToString();
                    // (Optional) The payer of PayPal fees. Allowable values are:
                    //    SENDER – Sender pays all fees (for personal, implicit simple/parallel payments;
                    //    do not use for chained or unilateral payments)
                    //    PRIMARYRECEIVER – Primary receiver pays all fees (chained payments only)
                    //    EACHRECEIVER – Each receiver pays their own fee (default, personal and unilateral payments)
                    //    SECONDARYONLY – Secondary receivers pay all fees
                    //    (use only for chained payments with one secondary receiver)
                    // req.feesPayer = "EACHRECEIVER";
                    // Calll PayPal to get PayKey          
                    AdaptivePaymentsService service = new AdaptivePaymentsService();
                    PayResponse resp = null;
                        resp = service.Pay(req);
                    catch (System.Exception e)
                        objPayPalResponse.PayPalError = true;
                        objPayPalResponse.PayPalErrorMessage = e.Message;
                        // Write to the database ********
                        objPayPalTransaction.PayPalError = true;
                        objPayPalTransaction.PayPalErrorMessage = e.Message;
                        OutputResponse(context, objPayPalResponse);
                    // Check for errors
                    if ((resp.responseEnvelope.ack == AckCode.FAILURE) ||
                        (resp.responseEnvelope.ack == AckCode.FAILUREWITHWARNING))
                        string strError = "";
                        objPayPalResponse.PayPalError = true;
                        foreach (var error in resp.error)
                            strError = strError + " " + error.message;
                        objPayPalResponse.PayPalErrorMessage = strError;
                        // Write to the database ********
                        objPayPalTransaction.PayPalError = true;
                        objPayPalTransaction.PayPalErrorMessage = strError;
                        objPayPalResponse.PayPalPaykey = resp.payKey;
                        objPayPalResponse.PayPalPaymentExecStatus = resp.paymentExecStatus;
                        // Write to the database ********
                        objPayPalTransaction.PayPalPaykey = resp.payKey;
                        objPayPalTransaction.PayPalPaymentExecStatus = resp.paymentExecStatus;
            // Return Response
            OutputResponse(context, objPayPalResponse);
        private static void OutputResponse(HttpContext context, PayPalResponse objPayPalResponse)
            // Create JavaScriptSerializer
            System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer jsonSerializer =
                new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer();
            // Output as JSON


  • When the user clicks the Buy Now button they are taken to PayPal with the PayKey that has all the details of the transaction.
  • When the payment has been processed the following code listens for the IPN notification (that was set in the Adaptive Payments handler):

        byte[] parameters = Request.BinaryRead(HttpContext.Current.Request.ContentLength);
        if (parameters.Length > 0)
            IPNMessage ipn = new IPNMessage(parameters);
            bool isIpnValidated = ipn.Validate();
            string transactionType = ipn.TransactionType;
            NameValueCollection map = ipn.IpnMap;
            if (isIpnValidated)
                string connString =
                // Connect to the database
                PayPalTransactionsDataContext db = new LinqToSQL.PayPalTransactionsDataContext(connString);
                // Log the PayPal data received
                var objPayPalIpnTransaction = new LinqToSQL.PayPalIpnTransaction();
                string PayPalPayKey = ipn.IpnValue("pay_key"); ;
                string PayPalStatus = ipn.IpnValue("status");
                objPayPalIpnTransaction.transaction_type = ipn.IpnValue("transaction_type");
                objPayPalIpnTransaction.status = ipn.IpnValue("status");
                objPayPalIpnTransaction.sender_email = ipn.IpnValue("sender_email");
                objPayPalIpnTransaction.action_type = ipn.IpnValue("action_type");
                objPayPalIpnTransaction.payment_request_date = ipn.IpnValue("payment_request_date");
                objPayPalIpnTransaction.return_url = ipn.IpnValue("return_url");
                objPayPalIpnTransaction.cancel_url = ipn.IpnValue("cancel_url");
                objPayPalIpnTransaction.ipn_notification_url = ipn.IpnValue("ipn_notification_url");
                objPayPalIpnTransaction.pay_key = ipn.IpnValue("pay_key");
                objPayPalIpnTransaction.memo = ipn.IpnValue("memo");
                objPayPalIpnTransaction.fees_payer = ipn.IpnValue("fees_payer");
                objPayPalIpnTransaction.trackingId = ipn.IpnValue("trackingId");
                objPayPalIpnTransaction.preapproval_key = ipn.IpnValue("preapproval_key");
                objPayPalIpnTransaction.reason_code = ipn.IpnValue("reason_code");
                objPayPalIpnTransaction.currencyCode = ipn.IpnValue("currencyCode");
                objPayPalIpnTransaction.approved = ipn.IpnValue("approved");
                objPayPalIpnTransaction.charset = ipn.IpnValue("charset");
                objPayPalIpnTransaction.transaction_0_id = ipn.IpnValue("transaction[0].id");
                objPayPalIpnTransaction.transaction_0_status = ipn.IpnValue("transaction[0].status");
                objPayPalIpnTransaction.transaction_0_status_for_sender_txn =
                objPayPalIpnTransaction.transaction_0_refund_id = ipn.IpnValue("transaction[0].refund_id")
                objPayPalIpnTransaction.transaction_0_refund_amount =
                objPayPalIpnTransaction.transaction_0_receiver = ipn.IpnValue("transaction[0].receiver");
                objPayPalIpnTransaction.transaction_0_invoiceId = ipn.IpnValue("transaction[0].invoiceId");
                objPayPalIpnTransaction.transaction_0_amount = ipn.IpnValue("transaction[0].amount");
                objPayPalIpnTransaction.transaction_1_id = ipn.IpnValue("transaction[1].id");
                objPayPalIpnTransaction.transaction_1_status = ipn.IpnValue("transaction[1].status");
                objPayPalIpnTransaction.transaction_1_id_for_sender ipn.IpnValue("transaction[1].id_for_sender");
                objPayPalIpnTransaction.transaction_1_status_for_sender_txn = ipn.IpnValue("transaction[1].status_for_sender_txn");
                objPayPalIpnTransaction.transaction_1_refund_id = ipn.IpnValue("transaction[1].refund_id");
                objPayPalIpnTransaction.transaction_1_refund_amount = ipn.IpnValue("transaction[1].refund_amount");
                objPayPalIpnTransaction.transaction_1_refund_account_charged = ipn.IpnValue("transaction[1].refund_account_charged");
                objPayPalIpnTransaction.transaction_1_receiver = ipn.IpnValue("transaction[1].receiver");
                objPayPalIpnTransaction.transaction_1_invoiceId = ipn.IpnValue("transaction[1].invoiceId");
                objPayPalIpnTransaction.transaction_1_amount = ipn.IpnValue("transaction[1].amount");
                objPayPalIpnTransaction.transaction_1_is_primary_receiver = ipn.IpnValue("transaction[1].is_primary_receiver");
                // Save the record
                // Only do the following if the status is COMPLETED
                if (PayPalStatus == "COMPLETED")
                    // Start a Transaction log record
                    var objPayPalTransaction = new LinqToSQL.PayPalTransaction();
                    // Search for related PayPalPurchaseTransaction
                    var result = (from PayPalPurchaseTransactions in db.PayPalPurchaseTransactions
                                    where PayPalPurchaseTransactions.PayPalPaykey == PayPalPayKey
                                    select PayPalPurchaseTransactions).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (result != null)
                        // Update PayPalPurchaseTransaction
                        result.payment_status = "COMPLETED";
                        // Make a log entry                               
                        objPayPalTransaction.LogDateTime = DateTime.No
                        objPayPalTransaction.pay_key = PayPalPayKey;
                        objPayPalTransaction.LogData = String.Format(
                            "IPN Received for pay_key: {0} - Updated payment to COMPLETED", PayPalPayKey);
                        // Make a log entry                               
                        objPayPalTransaction.LogDateTime = DateTime.Now;
                        objPayPalTransaction.pay_key = PayPalPayKey;
                        objPayPalTransaction.LogData = String.Format(
                            "IPN Received for pay_key: {0} - Associated payment not found!", PayPalPayKey);
                    // Save the record
    catch (System.Exception ex)
        string connString =
        // Connect to the database
        PayPalTransactionsDataContext db = new LinqToSQL.PayPalTransactionsDataContext(connString);
        // Start a Transaction log record
        var objPayPalTransaction = new LinqToSQL.PayPalTransaction();
        // Make a log entry                               
        objPayPalTransaction.LogDateTime = DateTime.Now;
        objPayPalTransaction.pay_key = "";
        objPayPalTransaction.LogData = String.Format(
            "Error in {0} : {1}", this.GetType().Name, ex.Message);
        // Save the record


Linq to Sql is used because the call from PayPal is unauthenticated and the LightSwitch application is running under forms authentication. Entity Framework or ADO .Net could have also been used.

(you must have Visual Studio 2012 (or higher) installed to run the code)

European Visual Studio 2012 Hosting - Amsterdam :: Features Visual Studio 2012 for Developers

clock March 26, 2013 10:49 by author Scott

Developer Testing in Visual Studio 2012 has been improved a lot and it is allowing them to concentrate more on the code they are writing in the application. In addition to the testing framework that comes with Visual Studio 2012, you can easily add third-party testing frameworks in the IDE. This post discusses the new unit and integration testing features for developer in Visual Studio 2012.

To open the new Test Explorer window, Select the Test Menu then choose windows and click Test Explorer

The look and fell of Test Explorer in VS 2012 is different in number of ways. You do not have too many different windows to say same information in new IDE, instead you have one widow that focus on unit and integration testing results.

When you select a test case in Test Explorer then you can see the detailed information about the test in below pane. The green bar in test explorer gives you quick view on the out-come.

Integrating Third Party Testing Frameworks

One of the important feature for developers for testing in this release is, it enables you to quickly integrate third-party testing frame-works in VS 2012. So If your team uses N-Unit or or some other testing framework then you can simply install Visual Studio extension.

To open the Extension tools manager, Go to Tools and click Extensions and Updates

You can search the framework that you need and download as shown below

In Visual Studio 2012 Regard less of which Testing Framework you use, it is fast and scales  up to thousands of test cases.

Developer testing is also very easy to use, If you want to Run or Debug the test that is in your editor then you can right-click on the code and select either run tests or debug tests.

You can also Filter the test cases by entering the search term in Test Explorer. You can also group tests with different properties, You can group the tests either by Test Outcome or Duration.

If you often require to run unit and integration tests in your solution then with single click in Visual Studio 2012 you can accomplish with Run test after build feature.

Now your test will run as part of every build you do.

With a single-click you can analyze and understand various code-metrics about your solution.

The Code Metrics Results window will appear as below information like number of line of code , Class Cohesion and Depth of inheritance

As it in previous visual studio versions, you can use Code Analysis Tool to quickly find common coding and design mistakes in your code

Another new feature in Visual Studio 2012 is Code Clone Analysis, using this feature you can scan your entire solution for duplicate code

Code Clone Analysis is smart enough to identify the duplicate code and groups the results with Exact match and medium match.

You can also use code clone feature that matches selected code in editor as shown below

Code Coverage Analysis

Code Coverage Analysis tool helps you to know how well your tests exercise your code? Code Coverage Analysis has significantly improved in Visual Studio 2012. To Analyze the code coverage of all the tests in your solution simply click Run drop down in Test Explorer

You can browse and explore the Code Coverage Results after completing the run

European Visual Studio LightSwitch Hosting - Amsterdam :: Masked password textbox in LightSwitch

clock March 11, 2013 06:39 by author Scott

In this article you will see how to create a masked password textbox. A masked control is used to save time and reduce the complaints and errors. They enhance the function of the textbox control, which can validate the input. By default the property masked is set to none. A password textbox is used for authorization of an any application. It is very useful to provide security for any application.

1. Open Your VS LightSwitch and Create a New Table

2. Create a Table called Customer

3. Right Click on Screens à Add screen

4. Select New Data Screen

5. Expand Password à select textbox and custom control

6. Go to password properties à Click change

7. Select password control à OK

8. Click write code->Select CreateNewCustomer_InitializeDataWorkSpace->Write the following code

using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.IO;
using System.IO.IsolatedStorage;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Microsoft.LightSwitch;
using Microsoft.LightSwitch.Framework.Client;
using Microsoft.LightSwitch.Presentation;
using Microsoft.LightSwitch.Presentation.Extensions;
namespace LightSwitchApplication
    public partial class CreateNewCustomer
        partial void CreateNewCustomer_InitializeDataWorkspace(List<IDataService> saveChangesTo)
            // Write your code here.
            this.CustomerProperty = new Customer();
             this.FindControl("Password").ControlAvailable += pwdAvailable;
        private void pwdAvailable(object sender, ControlAvailableEventArgs e)
            ((System.Windows.Controls.Control)e.Control).LostFocus += PasswordLostFocus;
        private void PasswordLostFocus(object sender, System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs e)
             this.CustomerProperty.Password = ((System.Windows.Controls.PasswordBox)sender).Password;
        partial void CreateNewCustomer_Saved()
            // Write your code here.

9. Run Application (Press F5)

Visual Studio 2012 Hosting - ASPHostPortal :: What is new in C# and Visual Basic in Visual Studio 2012

clock October 10, 2012 09:34 by author Scott

This post discusses the new language features that is introduced in Visual Studio 2012. One of the main things that language team introduced is the idea of producing windows 8 App. These APPs are talking to new API called windows runtime.

This release also brings iterators to Visual Basic. The main discussion in this post is around Asynchronous programming in C# language.

If you want to give importance on responsiveness of client and scalability in server App then you probably call Asynchronous API’s. These API’s take Callbacks as parameters and uses that Callback to notify you about result of available. When you start write these call backs then it is harder maintain the code but with new Async language support that introduced in Visual Basic and C# and it is easy consume these API’s.

Below is the synchronous code in C#

The code basically Searches the movie index in
Netflix using OData by taking Year as parameter. While it is downloading the movies using above code , you can notice you can not interact with your user interface. You can scroll along UI and explore the movies only after the search operation is complete. Users expects more responsive apps.

Why the above code is Unresponsive?

The call to DownloadString is of webclient type and it asks you to wait till it returns string. During this process your UI is going to hang-up and holds the thread until it returns the result back you.

Two different options here, you can put this code on background Thread and it is bit complicated. You may have to marshal and unmarshal the code. The second option is to interact with Asynchronous API there you have an overloaded function DownloadStringAsync, But when you use this method you are no longer take back data as result. You need to sign-up a call-back when a result is available. If you have multiple Async calls then you have to write multiple call-backs. In this case your code is getting more difficult to understand.


The new overload method is DownloadStringTaskAsync, This method now returns string of type Task, Task of string is object that notify you when result is available. Now you can change the signature of the method QueryMovies and mark this as async. This tells the compiler that this method is pausable and resumeable , they can wait without locking to the UI thread. Now change the return type of method from Movie array to Task<Movie[]> array. Write a word await to get the string from Task of objects from DownloadStringTaskAsync call.

Now you can call the above even from while loop

The compiler is now able to figure out how to handle the await inside the while loop and resume it when it gets the result. Now you should be able to interact with your UI without any hang-ups.


European Visual Studio 2012 Hosting - Amsterdam :: Visual Studio 2012 is More Friendly with Javascript and CSS

clock September 27, 2012 07:26 by author Scott

Visual Studio over the years has provided very good support for the core application development languages like C#, VB, etc. But when it comes to web development languages like javascript and CSS, Visual Studio lacked some main support such as intellisense, debugging, etc. This article discusses some key features introduced in Visual Studio 11 with respect to Javascript and CSS.


In this section we will look at some important and useful features that the Visual Studio 11 JavaScript editor provides.

Intellisense, Type Inference & Documentation

Prior versions of Visual Studio were a pain for Javascript developers due to the lack of intellisense for Javascript. The intellisense provided was very basic; developers had to be very sure of the method and class names, including the casing. Now Visual Studio 11 provides complete intellisense support for all the javascript objects and its methods. Fig below is a sample intellisense menu and you can see the number of options.

Visual Studio 11 also provides rich intellisense support for popular third party Javascript libraries like JQuery. Since Jquery is used by almost all web developers this will be of tremendous help to them. Fig below shows a sample intellisense available for JQuery in the Visual Studio 11 IDE.

In the above screenshot you would have noticed documentation for the method in the intellisense window like C# code. You could provide the documentation for your Javascript method as shown in the below example.

script type="text/javascript">
        function DoSummation(a, b) {
            ///      <summary>
            ///            Returns the sum of the variables a and b
            ///      </summary>
            ///      <param name="a" type="int">Integer variable 1</param>
            /// <param name="b" type="int">Integer variable 2</param>
            return a + b;

The Javascript editor also performs type inference, for example if a Javascript variable is assigned with a string value and later when the variable is used then the intellisense displays only the string related methods.

Curly Brace and Bracket Matching

When I use to write a large amount of Javascript code, especially with object oriented Javascript or jQuery, I used to get confused with the brackets and curly braces on their scopes. It may sometimes be a nightmare for developers to fix a brace mismatch on a huge Javascript code file. Fig below shows how the bracket scopes are highlighted by Visual Studio 11.

Go to Definition Feature

Like the C# Visual Studio editor of Visual Studio, now the Javascript editor also provides the Go to definition feature, which will be very useful in going through the code flow or to debug a Javascript issue especially when there are a lot of files involved and the method calls are scattered. In order to make this feature work you need to add the reference path of the .js file containing the method implementation onto the caller .js file. Below is a sample.

/// <reference path="File1HavingImplementation.js" />

A generic approach to provide the reference path is to add them to the _references.js file.


There is a new window added to Visual Studio 11 called the Javascript Console, which provides various features in terms of debuggingJjavascript code. I will cover this topic in a separate article.


In this article we will take a look at two important features on the CSS front.

Code Snippets and Writing Vendor Specific CSS

One of the most repetitive and boring tasks for the UI developer is to write the vendor specific styles in a CSS file. Vendor specific CSS is nothing but writing the same style with different names as supported by different browsers in order to get the style working on multiple browser combinations. Now Visual Studio 11 provides CSS code snippets, for example type transform and hitting tab would create the different vendor specific properties for transform in a CSS class. Below is the generated CSS class.

       -ms-transform: rotate(-90deg);
       -moz-transform: rotate(-90deg);
       -o-transform: rotate(-90deg);
       -webkit-transform: rotate(-90deg);
       transform: rotate(-90deg);

Color Picker

One thing that bothered me while writing CSS classes is providing the color code. I had to use some external utility to figure out the color code of the color being used, which I was trying to create a style for. Now with Visual Studio 11 the UI designer doesn’t have to move away from the CSS editor to pick the color, the editor itself has the color picker integrated. Fig below shows the screenshot of the color picker on a CSS file.

I hope these features have simplified and provided solutions for some long lasting issues faced by web developers.

Happy reading!


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