In this blog, we will discuss how to work with GROUP BY, WHERE, and HAVING clauses in SQL and explain the concept with an example in a simple way. I hope this is very useful for beginners and intermediates to help them understand the basic concept.
Group by clause
The Group by clause is often used to arrange identical duplicate data into groups with a select statement to group the result-set by one or more columns. This clause works with the select specific list of items, and we can use HAVING, and ORDER BY clauses. Group by clause always works with an aggregate function like MAX, MIN, SUM, AVG, COUNT.
Let us discuss group by clause with an example. We have a VehicleProduction table and there are some models with a price and it has some duplicate data. We want to categorize this data in a different group with a respective total price.
Create table VehicleProduction
Id int primary key Identity,
Model varchar(50),
Price money
Insert into VehicleProduction values('L551', 850000),('L551', 850000),('L551', 850000),('L551', 750000),
('L538', 650000),('L538', 650000),('L538', 550000),('L530', 450000),('L530',350000), ('L545', 250000)
Select * from VehicleProduction

Aggregate Functions
MAX()- function returns the maximum value of the numeric column of specified criteria.
Select max(Price) As 'MaximumCostOfModel' from VehicleProduction

MIN()- function returns the minimum of the numeric column of specified criteria.
Select Min(Price) As 'MinimumCostOfModel' from VehicleProduction

MIN()- function returns the minimum of the numeric column of specified criteria.
Select Min(Price) As 'MinimumCostOfModel' from VehicleProduction

SUM()- function returns the total sum of a numeric column of specified criteria.
Select SUM(Price) As 'SumCostOfAllModel' from VehicleProduction

AVG()- function returns the average value of a numeric column of specified criteria.
Select AVG(Price) As 'AverageCostOfModel' from VehicleProduction

COUNT()- function returns the number of rows that match specified criteria.
Select Count(Price) As 'TotalVehicleModels' from VehicleProduction

Distinct clause
The distinct clause is used to filter unique records out of the duplicate records that satisfy the query criteria.
Select Distinct(Model), Price from VehicleProduction

Group by clause
The Group by clause is often used to arrange the identical duplicate data into groups with the select statement. This clause works with the select specific list of items, for that we can use HAVING, and ORDER BY clauses.
SELECT Column1, Column2
FROM TableName
GROUP BY Column1, Column2
Select * from VehicleProduction
Select Model, Price from VehicleProduction
group by Model, Price

Let’s look at an example of a GROUP BY with aggregate functions.
GROUP BY with aggregate functions
Select Model, Price, Count(*) As QtyOfModel, Sum(Price) As TotPriceOfModel from VehicleProduction
group by Model, Price

Where clause
Where clause works with select clause but won’t work on the group by or aggregate function condition.
Example 1
Select Model, Price from VehicleProduction
where Model != 'L530'
group by Model, Price

Example 2
We can’t use where clause after group by clause
Select Model, Price from VehicleProduction
group by Model, Price
where Model != 'L530'

Having clause
Having clause works with a group by clause but specifically works on aggregate function condition.
Select Model, Price from VehicleProduction
Group by Model, Price
Having SUM(Price) > 600000.00

ORDER BY clause
Order By clause shows the records in ascending or descending order of the specific condition.
Select Model, Price from VehicleProduction
Group by Model, Price
Having SUM(Price) > 400000.00
order by Price desc

I hope you understand the concept, please post your feedback, questions, or comments about this blog and feel free to tell me the required changes in this write-up to improve the content quality.
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