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European SQL Server 2022 Hosting :: Comprehending SQL Aggregate Functions

clock March 24, 2025 08:58 by author Peter

Multiple rows of data can be calculated using SQL's aggregate functions, which yield a single result.

Common Aggregate Functions

    COUNT(): Returns the number of rows.
    SUM(): Returns the total sum of a numeric column.
    AVG(): Returns the average value of a numeric column.
    MIN(): Returns the minimum value.
    MAX(): Returns the maximum value.

Example Usage of Aggregate Functions

1. Using COUNT()


2. Using SUM()

SELECT SUM(Salary) FROM Employees;

3. Using AVG()
SELECT AVG(Salary) FROM Employees;

4. Using MIN() and MAX()
SELECT MIN(Salary) FROM Employees;

SELECT MAX(Salary) FROM Employees;

    MIN(Salary): 50,000 (Lowest salary)
    MAX(Salary): 200,000 (Highest salary)

Using GROUP BY with Aggregate Functions
GROUP BY is often used with aggregate functions to group results by one or more columns.
 Department, AVG(Salary)
FROM Employees
GROUP BY Department;


Department AVG(Salary)
IT 120,000
HR 80,000
Finance 110,000

Using HAVING with Aggregate Functions

HAVING is used to filter results after aggregation.

 Department, COUNT(*)
FROM Employees
GROUP BY Department
 HAVING COUNT(*) > 10;


Department COUNT(*)
IT 15
Finance 12

Advanced Use of Aggregate Functions
Aggregate functions in SQL can be used in advanced ways to solve complex data analysis problems efficiently.

1. Using Aggregate Functions with CASE
SELECT Department,
       SUM(   CASE
                  WHEN Gender = 'Male' THEN
          ) AS Male_Count,
       SUM(   CASE
                  WHEN Gender = 'Female' THEN
          ) AS Female_Count
FROM Employees
GROUP BY Department;


Department Male_Count Female_Count
IT 10 5
HR 3 8

2. Using Aggregate Functions with DISTINCT
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT Department) AS Total_Departments FROM Employees;

Output. 5 (Total distinct departments)

3. Using Aggregate Functions with PARTITION BY
PARTITION BY allows applying aggregate functions without collapsing rows.
SELECT EmployeeID,
       AVG(Salary) OVER (PARTITION BY Department) AS Avg_Department_Salary
FROM Employees;


EmployeeID Name Department Salary Avg_Department_Salary
1 John IT 120000 110000
2 Sarah IT 100000 110000

4. Using Aggregate Functions with HAVING for Filtering

SELECT Department,
   COUNT(*) AS Employee_Count
FROM Employees
GROUP BY Department

Output. Departments have more than 10 employees.

Advantages of Advanced Aggregate Functions

  • Allows detailed data analysis with conditions.
  • Enhances reporting and business intelligence capabilities.
  • Reduces query complexity using built-in SQL functions.
  • Helps in summarizing data.
  • Improves query efficiency by reducing result set size.
  • Facilitates data analysis and reporting.

These advanced aggregate functions help in efficient query design and deeper data insights.

HostForLIFEASP.NET SQL Server 2022 Hosting

European SQL Server 2022 Hosting - HostForLIFE :: Explaining Aggregate Functions in SQL

clock March 19, 2025 08:23 by author Peter

Obtaining the sum of a set of numbers, like the total salary, is frequently required when using SQL searching. For this procedure, SQL has developed special functions called Aggregate Functions or Grouping Functions. When working with numerical and statistical data, aggregate functions are employed for grouping, which enables us to get results following a sequence of simple or complex mathematical computations.

Aggregate functions are predefined functions that carry out the required activities and produce the results when set up during a database query in accordance with our requirements.

Aggregate functions, such as Sum and Count, are characterized by their ability to return a single number after performing particular calculations on the data in a column.

Next, we will examine these functions.

Min Function

This function is used to obtain the minimum value from similar values.
FROM StudentGrade;

In the example above, we use this function to find the lowest score of students in the student grades table.

Max Function

This function is exactly the opposite of the Min function; it is used to find the maximum value among similar values.
SELECT MAX(salary)
FROM Personnel
WHERE Age < 35;

In this example, it finds and displays the highest salary among personnel who are under 35 years old.

Sum Function
This function is used to obtain the sum of numbers.
FROM Personnel;

In this example, this function is used to sum all the salaries of the personnel in the personnel table.

Count Function

As the name of this function indicates, it is used to obtain the number of items.
FROM Personnel;

The Count function is used to find the number of personnel.

Avg Function

The AVG function is actually an abbreviation for “average.” Using the AVG function, we can calculate and display the average of the desired values from grouped columns.
FROM Personnel;

In this example, the AVG function is used to calculate the average salary of the personnel.

HostForLIFEASP.NET SQL Server 2022 Hosting

European SQL Server 2022 Hosting - HostForLIFE :: Removing Pointless Delete Operations

clock March 7, 2025 06:05 by author Peter

Easy fix bottlenecks that may be resolved with the appropriate tuning techniques are frequently the cause of SQL Server performance problems. The DELETE statement will be the main topic of this little blog.

Even in simple recovery mode, DELETE statements have the drawback of consuming transaction log space and requiring unnecessary logical reads. Whereas TRUNCATE eliminates every row of a table or partition at the storage for a far quicker and more effective operation, DELETE is a row-based action that produces a lot of logical reads. Although both DELETE and TRUNCATE eliminate data from a table, their behavior varies with regard to rollback capabilities, recovery, logging, and performance.

Performance-wise, the DELETE statement is problematic because it necessitates locking and logging. Because each delete is recorded separately in the transaction log, ROLLBACK is possible. However, when using a WHERE clause to remove specific data within a statement, deleting data with foreign key restrictions, triggering triggers, or conducting rollbacks (outside of a transaction), DELETEs are required. It will be far more effective to use a DROP or TRUNCATE to remove every row if none of these conditions are met. Instead of performing a single action, TRUNCATE dealslocates all of the table's pages, which improves efficiency.

If you can eliminate the need to DELETE the data by using TRUNCATE or DROP instead you can get an immediate performance boost for the query, stored procedure or function. Let’s take a look at a very simple example.

CREATE TABLE ExampleTable (
    Item VARCHAR(100)

INSERT INTO ExampleTable (Item)

SELECT TOP 1000000 'SampleItem'

FROM [Production].[TransactionHistoryArchive];  -- Using table to generate rows


DELETE FROM ExampleTable;






(89253 rows affected)
SQL Server Execution Times:
CPU time = 328 ms,  elapsed time = 1851 ms.
(89253 rows affected)


SQL Server Execution Times:
CPU time = 0 ms,  elapsed time = 4 ms.
Completion time: 2025-02-27T11:16:28.1156110-05:00

You can easily see the difference.

During code reviews be sure to test the difference in the operations and see if the DELETE is better replaced by something.  If this is not feasible be sure to properly index for the DELETE operation for better efficiency. Remember to keep one key point in mind, because TRUNCATE is not logged, it cannot be rolled back UNLESS it is inside an explicit transaction. So use this power carefully!

HostForLIFEASP.NET SQL Server 2022 Hosting

European SQL Server 2022 Hosting :: How to Correct an MS SQL Server Database's Recovery Pending State?

clock February 13, 2025 06:56 by author Peter

One of the most potent database management systems for storing and retrieving data is SQL Server. The DBAs are occasionally unable to access the database because of its "Recovery Pending" state. This article's goal is to explain why it happens and provide suggestions for resolving the problem.

If one or more of the core files in a SQL database are corrupted, the database is considered damaged. The database will be marked with various states based on how serious the problem is. Among these states are:

  • Online: If a database data file is damaged during query execution, it will stay online.
  • Suspect: A database will be marked as a "suspect" if it cannot be recovered during SQL Server initialization.
  • Recovery Pending: The SQL Server places the database in a "Recovery Pending" state if it knows that a recovery needs to be done but is unable to begin due to an issue.

What Does SQL Server Recovery Pending State Mean?
The Recovery Pending state in MS SQL Server indicates that the database cannot start the recovery process due to missing files, resource constraints, or corruption issues. This is different from the Suspect state, which clearly shows there is corruption. Recovery Pending just means the recovery can't continue due to incomplete or inconsistent files.

Common Causes of SQL Server Recovery Pending State

  • Insufficient Disk Space: The database recovery process may halt due to a lack of space on the server.
  • Corrupted Log Files: Damaged or missing transaction log files can disrupt recovery.
  • Power Failure or Crash: Unexpected shutdowns can lead to database inconsistency.
  • Hardware Malfunctions: Disk errors or faulty storage devices can corrupt database files.
  • Improper Shutdowns: Forceful termination of SQL Server processes can result in uncommitted transactions.

When a database is in this state, it becomes inaccessible, and immediate action is required to restore normal operations.

How Does SQL Server Recovery Work?
When an SQL Server starts or a database is restarted, it goes through a recovery process with three phases:

  • Analysis: SQL Server reads the transaction log to determine which transactions need to be rolled forward or rolled back.
  • Redo (Roll Forward): All committed transactions from the log are reapplied to the database to ensure consistency.
  • Undo (Roll Back): Uncommitted transactions are rolled back to maintain a clean state.

Characteristics of a Database in the "Recovery Pending" State

  • Database Inaccessible: The database is not available for use by applications or users.
  • No Automatic Recovery: SQL Server is unable to initiate the automatic recovery process.
    • Error Messages: Common error messages related to this state include:
    • Error 9003: The log file is corrupt or missing.
    • Error 1813: SQL Server cannot attach the database because some files are missing.
    • Error 5123: The operating system returned an error while trying to access the database files.

How to Check if a Database is in Recovery Pending State?
To verify the state of your SQL Server database, execute the below query:
SELECT name, state_desc FROM sys.databases;

This query lists all databases and their current states. If the database is marked as "RECOVERY_PENDING" you need to fix the issue.

Methods to Fix SQL Server Recovery Pending State
1. Ensure Sufficient Disk Space: First, check if the drive with the database files has enough free space. If not, free up some space or move the files to a drive with more storage.

2. Check SQL Server Permissions: Make sure the SQL Server service account has the right permissions to access the database files. Wrong permissions can block the recovery process.

3. Manually Bring the Database Online: You can attempt to resolve the issue by setting the database to Emergency mode and performing repairs. Follow these steps:

Set the Database to Emergency Mode:

Perform Consistency Check: Run DBCC CHECKDB to check for corruption:
DBCC CHECKDB([TestDatabase]);

Repair the Database: If corruption is detected, use the REPAIR_ALLOW_DATA_LOSS option to repair the database:

Note: The REPAIR_ALLOW_DATA_LOSS option may result in some data loss. Always back up your database before using this option.

4. Restore from a Backup: If you have a recent backup of the database, restoring it can be the safest way to resolve the issue:
RESTORE DATABASE [TestDatabase] FROM DISK = 'BackupFilePath.bak';

5. Use third-party recovery tool: When there are problems with SQL Server, like database corruption or the "Recovery Pending" state, manual troubleshooting methods, such as restoring from backups, running DBCC CHECKDB, or detaching and reattaching database files, may not always help. In these situations, special tools like Stellar Repair for MS SQL can be very important for recovering essential data accurately and quickly. In situations where data is accidentally deleted, specialized recovery techniques can help retrieve the deleted records during the database repair process, ensuring that important information is not permanently lost.

How SQL Database Repair Tools Can Assist in Recovery?

  • Repair tools help fix corrupted MDF and NDF files and restore the database without changing its original structure..
  • The tool can bypass the issues and recover the data even if SQL Server cannot bring it online.
  • Unlike manual methods that may risk losing data, the recovery process ensures no data loss..
  • Whether you are using an old or the latest version, the tool supports all versions and ensures smooth recovery.
  • In situations where data is accidentally deleted, specialized recovery techniques can help retrieve the deleted records during the database repair process, ensuring that important information is not permanently lost.

Preventive Measures

  • Regularly back up your database to avoid data loss during unforeseen issues.
  • Monitor disk usage and ensure sufficient free space.
  • Use reliable storage devices to minimize hardware-related corruption.
  • Always shut down SQL Server gracefully to prevent uncommitted transactions.

To fix a SQL Server database in a 'Recovery Pending' state, you need to find the root cause and take the right steps. Manual fixes like repairing the database or restoring from backups can help, but may not work for heavily corrupted databases. Always keep regular backups and check disk space to avoid these problems.

HostForLIFEASP.NET SQL Server 2022 Hosting

European SQL Server 2022 Hosting :: Recognizing Accuracy in SQL Server Computations

clock February 6, 2025 08:17 by author Peter

Many database developers encounter unexpected discrepancies when performing calculations in SQL Server. One common issue arises when the same mathematical expression is evaluated differently. For instance, consider the following SQL Server code snippet:

DECLARE @Number1 AS DECIMAL(26,7) = 0.9009000;
DECLARE @Number2 AS DECIMAL(26,7) = 1.000000000;
DECLARE @Number3 AS DECIMAL(26,7) = 1000.00000000;
DECLARE @Result  AS DECIMAL(26,7);

SET @Result = (@Number1 * @Number2) / @Number3;

SELECT @Result; -- 0.0009000

SET @Result = (@Number1 * @Number2);

SET @Result = (@Result / @Number3);

SELECT @Result; -- 0.0009009

In the first case, the output is 0.0009000, while in the second case, the output is 0.0009009. This divergence raises the question: Why are the results different when the same calculation is performed?

Explanation. Single Step Calculation
In the first approach, the entire expression (@Number1 * @Number2) / @Number3 is computed in a single step:

  • SQL Server first computes the product of @Number1 and @Number2, which equals 0.9009000.
  • Next, it divides that result by @Number3 (1000.00000000).

The result of this division is affected by how SQL Server handles precision and rounding for decimal operations. This might introduce slight inaccuracies, leading to the outcome of 0.0009000.

Multiple Step Calculation

In the second approach, the operations are separated into two distinct steps:

  • First, the calculation @Number1 * @Number2 is executed and stored in @Result. This retains the value of 0.9009000.
  • Then, the variable @Result is divided by @Number3 in a separate statement.

This step-by-step division allows SQL Server to apply different rounding and precision rules, which can sometimes yield a more accurate result of 0.0009009.


The difference in outputs can often be attributed to the varying treatment of precision and rounding during calculations:

  • In a single-step calculation, SQL Server evaluates the entire expression at once, potentially altering precision during the process.
  • In a multiple-step calculation, SQL Server retains more precision through intermediate results, leading to a different output.

To achieve consistent results in SQL Server calculations, developers should consider controlling precision explicitly. For example, applying rounding can help standardize outcomes:
SET @Result = ROUND((@Number1 * @Number2) / @Number3, 7);

By managing precision and rounding explicitly, programmers can avoid discrepancies and ensure that their numerical calculations yield the expected results. Understanding these nuances in SQL Server can lead to more reliable and accurate database operations.

HostForLIFEASP.NET SQL Server 2022 Hosting


European SQL Server 2022 Hosting :: Differences Between TRUNCATE and DELETE in SQL Server

clock January 23, 2025 06:57 by author Peter

Although both TRUNCATE and DELETE can be used to remove data from a table in SQL Server, they differ greatly in terms of logging, performance, and how they affect the table structure. We examine these distinctions using sophisticated real-world examples below.

Deleting Specific Rows
You have a large customer database and need to delete records based on a condition, such as all customers from a specific country.

WHERE Country = 'USA';


  • DELETE allows you to remove specific rows based on a WHERE condition.
  • It supports triggers, enabling additional actions like logging or cascading updates.
  • Referential integrity is preserved, ensuring foreign key constraints are respected.

Note. Since DELETE logs each row individually, it can be slower for large datasets, especially when dealing with a significant number of rows.

Resetting a Table for Data Migration

During data migration, you need to clear all rows from a table, such as the Users or Orders table, before inserting new data.


  • TRUNCATE quickly removes all rows from the table.
  • It resets the identity column, allowing new rows to start from the seed value.
  • The operation is much faster than DELETE as it does not log each row deletion.

Note. TRUNCATE cannot be used if there are foreign key constraints, even if those constraints are defined with ON DELETE CASCADE.

Managing Temporary Tables for Large Datasets
While working with large datasets, you need to clear the contents of a temporary table after processing it, such as Temp_SessionData.
TRUNCATE TABLE Temp_SessionData;


  • It efficiently clears large amounts of data from the table.
  • No individual row logs are generated, making it a fast cleanup option.
  • Ideal for temporary tables where data retention is unnecessary.

Note. Using TRUNCATE avoids performance bottlenecks associated with row-by-row deletions.

Deleting Data with Referential Integrity
You need to delete all records in a parent table (e.g., Customers) while ensuring that related records in child tables (e.g., Orders) are also removed.
DELETE FROM Customers WHERE Country = 'USA';


  • DELETE respects foreign key constraints and triggers cascading deletions to dependent tables.
  • Cascading deletions, defined with ON DELETE CASCADE, ensure child rows (e.g., in Orders) are automatically deleted.

Note. While DELETE is slower than TRUNCATE, it ensures referential integrity and cascading actions across related tables.
Regular Data Resets for Large Tables

You regularly refresh data in a table (e.g., SalesData) from an external system and need to reset it completely.


  • TRUNCATE quickly wipes out all data and resets the identity column, starting new rows from the default seed value.
  • It is more efficient and minimalistic compared to DELETE.

Note. Check that no foreign key dependencies exist, as these will block the use of TRUNCATE.

Partial Table Cleanup with Complex Conditions
You need to clean up a specific subset of data from a large table where conditions involve multiple columns (e.g., inactive users who haven’t logged in for a year).

    LastLogin < DATEADD(YEAR, -1, GETDATE())
    AND IsActive = 0;


  • DELETE enables precise removal of rows based on complex conditions.
  • It ensures that other unaffected rows remain intact.
  • Triggers can be used to log or audit the deletions.

Note. For large datasets, indexing the columns used in the WHERE clause can improve performance.

Archiving Old Data
You need to archive old transactional data from a table (e.g., Orders) into an archive table before removing it from the main table.
INSERT INTO ArchivedOrders
FROM Orders
WHERE OrderDate < '2023-01-01';

WHERE OrderDate < '2023-01-01';


  • DELETE allows the selective removal of old data after archiving.
  • It ensures referential integrity for current data.
  • Archiving can be performed in batches to avoid locking issues on the main table.

Note. Using DELETE in combination with INSERT INTO helps retain historical data while managing table size.

Clearing Audit Logs Periodically
Use Case

Your application generates a large number of audit logs, and you periodically clear logs older than a specific timeframe to maintain performance.


  • Audit logs often do not require referential integrity, making TRUNCATE a fast and efficient option.
  • It clears all rows quickly without logging each deletion.
  • TRUNCATE minimizes the overhead on large tables with high write frequency.

Note. Check retention policies are implemented before truncating, as all data will be permanently removed.

Performance Considerations

Deleting a Large Number of Rows: DELETE can be slow for large tables since it logs each row deletion. To handle large data deletions more efficiently, you can break the operation into smaller chunks
    DELETE TOP (1000)
    FROM Customers
    WHERE Country = 'USA';

Truncating Large Tables: TRUNCATE is much faster because it doesn't log individual row deletions and deallocates entire pages, making it efficient for large-scale deletions.

Summary of When to Use Each

  • Use DELETE when
    • You need to delete specific rows based on conditions.
    • You need to trigger referential integrity checks or cascading deletions.
    • You need to ensure that triggers are fired.
    • You don't want to reset the identity column or change the table structure.
  • Use TRUNCATE when
    • You need to remove all rows from a table and reset the identity column.
    • There are no foreign key constraints.
    • You want faster performance and minimal logging for bulk deletions.

Now Let’s walk through a stock exchange scenario where you can apply both DELETE and TRUNCATE commands in SQL Server, depending on the requirements. This covers a realistic stock trading system scenario, including market operations, account management, and transaction logs.

In a stock exchange system, you might have multiple tables like,

  • Stocks (Information about stocks traded)
  • Trades (Transaction records of stock buys and sells)
  • Orders (Active orders for buying/selling stocks)
  • Users (Trader accounts and details)


We will look at how DELETE and TRUNCATE can be used for various operations in this stock exchange system, depending on whether we need to delete specific records, reset tables, or manage large datasets efficiently.

Deleting a Specific Stock Order from the Orders Table

Let’s say a trader cancels a buy/sell order. You need to delete the specific order record from the Orders table.

  • The trader places an order to buy 100 shares of the Company Jack&Jones.
  • The order is still active and hasn’t been filled.
  • The trader decides to cancel the order.

WHERE OrderID = 12345;

Why use DELETE?

  • You are deleting a specific row that matches the condition (based on OrderID).
  • You need to ensure that any relevant foreign key constraints (e.g., relationship to Users or Stocks) are respected. If any cascades or actions need to be triggered (e.g., updating user balance or stock status), DELETE ensures that happens.
  • The operation is logged for transaction tracking, allowing you to monitor exactly what was deleted.

This operation is slow compared to TRUNCATE, especially if there are a large number of active orders in the system, but it is necessary for deleting specific rows based on user actions.

Resetting All Orders for the End of the Day

At the end of each trading day, the stock exchange needs to clear all orders from the Orders table to prepare for the next trading day. The system clears all records, regardless of whether the orders are pending or executed.

  • The stock exchange clears all pending orders after the market closes.
  • You want to quickly remove all rows from the Orders table to start fresh.

SQL Query


  • You want to remove all rows efficiently without worrying about individual row deletions.
  • This operation does not log individual row deletions (it’s minimally logged), making it much faster when dealing with large datasets.
  • It also resets any identity column (if there’s one for OrderID), which is useful if you want to restart the order numbering from the seed value the next day.

Ensure that there are no foreign key constraints in place, or if there are, ensure TRUNCATE is allowed (i.e., no dependencies with cascading deletes).


  • Efficient for clearing large volumes of data, but be cautious if there are foreign key constraints that prevent truncating the table.
  • This is suitable for an end-of-day reset where all orders must be wiped out to prepare for the next day.

Clearing Historical Data for Trades
The exchange wants to archive the trades older than a year, as they are no longer relevant for active trading or reporting but need to be stored for historical purposes.
Trades that happened more than a year ago need to be archived into a backup system, and the records should be removed from the main Trades table.

SQL Query

Why use DELETE?

  • You need to delete specific records based on the condition (TradeDate < DATEADD(YEAR, -1, GETDATE())), so DELETE allows for precise control.
  • The operation respects foreign key constraints, ensuring that dependent data in other tables (such as order details or user information) is also managed correctly.

If you have millions of trades, DELETE might be slow, but this is necessary if you want to keep the data that is still relevant (for example, trades made within the last year).

Deleting specific records ensures that important data (such as current trades) is not deleted by mistake, and you can archive old data efficiently.

Resetting All Stock Prices for a New Trading Day

On the stock exchange, stock prices need to be reset every morning to the opening prices of the day. You want to clear all the previous day’s data and set the new day's prices.

Every morning, you reset the stock price data for each traded stock.
The previous day’s data is irrelevant for the new trading day, so it’s cleared.

SQL Query

You want to quickly remove all rows without worrying about specific conditions or the individual deletion of each stock's price.
It’s much more efficient than DELETE since it doesn’t log each row removal, which is ideal for large datasets where performance is crucial.

If there are foreign key constraints or dependencies on the StockPrices table (e.g., historical trades), TRUNCATE may not be possible. In such cases, you would need to first delete or archive related data.

Faster performance compared to DELETE and useful for daily resets. This is a classic use of TRUNCATE when the data doesn't need to be retained across days.

Deleting Specific Trade Records Based on a Condition
Let’s say an anomaly or error occurred in the trading system where certain trades were mistakenly recorded (perhaps due to a bug or a trading error), and you need to delete them.


  • A certain group of trades (e.g., trades that involve incorrect stock symbols or trade amounts) needs to be deleted.
  • These trades are identifiable based on a condition, such as a stock symbol mismatch or a trade amount exceeding a predefined limit.

SQL Query
WHERE StockSymbol = 'INVALID' OR TradeAmount > 1000000;

Why use DELETE?

  • The operation deletes specific rows based on certain conditions, so DELETE is appropriate for this task.
  • Triggers (if any) would be fired to ensure related actions are performed (e.g., adjusting the trader's balance or reversing order statuses).

This could be a slow operation if the trades table is very large and the condition affects a significant number of rows.

It’s essential to identify and delete only the erroneous rows based on conditions, so DELETE allows for precise control.

In stock exchange systems, TRUNCATE is usually reserved for bulk operations where all data can be removed quickly (such as resetting stock prices), while DELETE is used for more granular, specific removals or when data integrity constraints are involved (such as removing erroneous trades or orders).

HostForLIFEASP.NET SQL Server 2022 Hosting

European SQL Server 2022 Hosting :: SQL Services Integration Services (SSIS) Conditional Split

clock January 9, 2025 07:44 by author Peter

Conditional Split is an important feature of SQL Services Integration Services (SSIS). In this article, we will learn how to perform conditional split. Now, first, let’s understand what conditional split is.

A data flow component called conditional split transformation divides the data according to predetermined criteria. It is an effective tool that helps businesses handle and analyze data by splitting an input stream into several output streams.

Let's look at an example to better understand. Before creating a data flow task, let's establish an SSIS package called "Conditional Split Task."

OLE DB Source and Conditional Split transformations from the SSIS toolbox will be added to the data flow task. You can see how it appears in the screenshot below.

Here, we will use the Hostforlife database to perform a conditional split that is already loaded in the SQL server.

Now, we will establish an OLE DB Source connection and use the below query in the SQL Command section.
       NTILE(4) OVER (ORDER BY [CustomerKey]) AS NTileOutput
FROM [Hostforlife].[dbo].[DimCustomer]
ORDER BY [CustomerKey];

In the above query, the NTile(N) Function splits the DimCustomer table into four random groups. The connection has been established, and we can see it in the screenshot below.

We use SSIS expressions to specify which rows are routed where and use a conditional split transformation to push this randomly grouped data into four different UNION ALL. Now, add UNION ALL in the SSIS package from Toolbox.

Now let’s go to Conditional Split Transformation Editor and apply a condition like [NTileOutput] ==1 for Group 1 and for other groups, too, and hit OK.

Now, we will establish the connection between Conditional Split and all 4 UNION ALL. And Enable Data Viewer for all 4 UNION ALL. We will also add one more UNION ALL for Default Output, and by default, it will take Conditional Split Default Output. See the screenshot below to understand more.

Now, let’s execute a Conditional Split Task and see the result.

As you can see, the table was split into four random groups (Case 1, Case 2, Case 3, and Case 4) based on a given condition.

HostForLIFEASP.NET SQL Server 2022 Hosting


European SQL Server 2022 Hosting :: Create FTP Task in SQL Server Integration Services

clock December 20, 2024 06:44 by author Peter

FTP tasks in SSIS (SQL Server Integration Services) are an important feature that is used to perform file operations across the server and client/local machine. FTP task in SSIS is used to automate the process of uploading and downloading files to/from the FTP server. This task ensures the secure transfer of files, automates data workflow, and improves its efficiency. FTP Task, when combined with other SSIS tasks, can integrate data from multiple sources, such as File System Task, Script Task, Execute SQL Task, etc.

Now, let’s see how to create an FTP Task.

FTP is basically a File Transfer Protocol; it’s basically transferring files from one server to another server or to a local machine.

In the SSIS package within the control flow, we can see the SSIS Toolbox, and there are numerous options. From there we can select FTP Task by drag and drop it on package.

Below is the screenshot, which shows what it looks like.

In the above screenshot, we can see a red sign popped up; it means the connection is empty.

Note: I have used a personal FTP server and hence you may not be able to access it, you can however check a few public FTP servers available online.

Now, let’s configure the FTP Task and establish a connection. We will go on the FTP task editor and do the following.

Add FTP Server to establish FTP connection: Enter the below credential to establish an FTP connection. (FTP server path: ftp://Peter:[email protected].
Server Name: 192.168.x.x
User ID: Peter
PWD: ****

The connection has been established.

Now, enter the following details in file transfer and hit ok; the red sign will go away.

  • Add Operation as Send files
  • Add local path: C:\Users\Peter\Documents\FTP_Local
  • Add RemotePath: /

After hitting ok, you will see on the screen below that the red sign is gone. This means that both connections are established, and we can see this in Connection Manager.

The screenshot below shows that it was taken before executing the package, and you can see no files in the FTP Server are available currently.

Once step 2 is done, Execute the FTP Task by hitting the start button. The screenshot below shows packages executed successfully. Here, our objective is to see if the file moved from the source (local path) to the destination (FTP Server).

Now, I will check into the FTP server to see if the file moved to the destination or FTP Server. As you can see in the screenshot below, the file has indeed been moved to the FTP server.

There are several benefits of creating FTP Tasks in SSIS, for example.

  • Automates the data transfer and reduces the time-consuming manual efforts.
  • It helps integrate data from various sources by creating a workflow that automatically handles file transfers.
  • Enables creation of FTP tasks for regular data backups and enhances data transfer security.

HostForLIFEASP.NET SQL Server 2022 Hosting


European SQL Server 2022 Hosting :: Using Tablock to Unlock Faster INSERT Operations in SQL Server

clock December 18, 2024 07:17 by author Peter

Performance is frequently the main issue in any SQL Server system when working with big datasets. The INSERT operation is one frequent operation that occasionally turns into a bottleneck. The time required to input data increases with its size, which can have a major effect on system performance and user experience in general. The usage of the TABLOCK hint is one of the many methods and improvements that SQL Server offers to help speed up data insertions. When working with huge datasets or when parallelism is crucial, this straightforward yet effective method can significantly increase the pace of your INSERT operations.

Let’s explore how using the TABLOCK hint works, its benefits, and how you can apply it to your own operations, with examples from the HFL database.

What is the TABLOCK Hint?
The TABLOCK hint is a table-level lock hint that forces SQL Server to take a schema modification (Sch-M) lock on the target table when performing an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE operation. This hint ensures that the table is locked for the duration of the operation, which can help speed up data loading by minimizing logging and reducing contention.

A key benefit of the TABLOCK hint is that it reduces the amount of log space used during the operation, as the minimal logging mechanism is activated. This means that SQL Server does not have to log each individual row insertion, but rather just the metadata for the bulk operation. As a result, this significantly reduces the overhead and speeds up data loading.

Additionally, because the table is locked at the schema level, it allows SQL Server to parallelize the operation, leading to faster execution times. This is particularly useful for large-scale data-loading tasks.

When to Use TABLOCK Hint
The TABLOCK hint is ideal for scenarios where:

  • You are inserting a large number of rows into a table.
  • You can afford to lock the table for the duration of the operation (i.e., no other transactions need access to the table while the insert is in progress).
  • You want to reduce the logging overhead and speed up bulk insertions.
  • You want to use parallel insertions to take advantage of SQL Server's ability to use multiple threads for data loading.

It’s also important to note that the TABLOCK hint works well with temporary tables, so you can take advantage of these performance benefits when working with temp tables, often used in ETL processes or batch operations.

Benefits of Using TABLOCK

  • Improved Performance: The primary benefit of using the TABLOCK hint is the performance improvement during large INSERT operations. By reducing the amount of logging, SQL Server can insert rows much faster.
  • Parallel Insertion: With TABLOCK, SQL Server can use parallelism to load the data, speeding up the operation of systems with sufficient resources.
  • Reduced Logging Overhead: Since SQL Server logs less information, the system consumes less log space, which can be crucial when working with large datasets.
  • Works with Temp Tables: You can apply TABLOCK to temporary tables as well, giving you the same performance benefits for in-memory operations.

Let’s consider a scenario where we need to insert a large number of rows from the Sales.SalesOrderDetail table into the Sales.SalesOrderDetailTemp table in the HFL database.
Create table script for Sales.SalesOrderDetailTem

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS [Sales].[SalesOrderDetailTemp]



CREATE TABLE [Sales].[SalesOrderDetailTemp](
    [SalesOrderID] [int] NOT NULL,
    [SalesOrderDetailID] [int] NOT NULL,
    [CarrierTrackingNumber] [nvarchar](25) NULL,
    [OrderQty] [smallint] NOT NULL,
    [ProductID] [int] NOT NULL,
    [SpecialOfferID] [int] NOT NULL,
    [UnitPrice] [money] NOT NULL,
    [UnitPriceDiscount] [money] NOT NULL,
    [LineTotal]  [money] NULL,
    [rowguid] [uniqueidentifier] ROWGUIDCOL  NOT NULL,
    [ModifiedDate] [datetime] NOT NULL,
 CONSTRAINT [PK_SalesOrderDetailTemp_SalesOrderID_SalesOrderDetailTempID] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED
    [SalesOrderID] ASC,
    [SalesOrderDetailID] ASC

Without the TABLOCK hint, this operation may take a considerable amount of time, especially when the table is large and the database is under load.

Here’s a basic example of how you can speed up the INSERT operation by using the TABLOCK hint.



INSERT INTO Sales.SalesOrderDetailTemp
FROM Sales.SalesOrderDetail;

Truncate the table.

TRUNCATE TABLE Sales.SalesOrderDetailTemp

Now, let’s modify the query to use the TABLOCK hint.



INSERT INTO Sales.SalesOrderDetailTemp
FROM Sales.SalesOrderDetail;

Execution 1 (without TABLOCK) took longer, with higher CPU and elapsed time (204 ms and 284 ms), indicating a slower operation. Execution 2 (with TABLOCK) performed better, completing in 125 ms CPU time and 157 ms elapsed time, making the TABLOCK version more efficient in this case.
Considerations When Using TABLOCK

While the TABLOCK hint can greatly improve performance, it’s important to be aware of some considerations:

  • Table Locking: The TABLOCK hint locks the entire table for the duration of the operation. This means that other transactions cannot access the table until the INSERT operation is complete, so be sure that this behavior aligns with your application’s requirements.
  • Transaction Log Growth: Although TABLOCK reduces the amount of logging, it still logs certain details of the operation. If you’re inserting a massive amount of data, you may need to monitor transaction log growth and ensure that you have enough log space available.
  • Not Suitable for OLTP Workloads: The TABLOCK hint is more suited to batch operations or bulk-loading scenarios. It may not be appropriate for transactional systems that require frequent concurrent access to the table.

If you are working with large datasets and want to speed up your INSERT operations in SQL Server, the TABLOCK hint can be a game-changer. By reducing logging overhead and enabling parallel insertions, it helps improve performance and can significantly reduce the time it takes to load data.

HostForLIFEASP.NET SQL Server 2022 Hosting


European SQL Server 2022 Hosting :: Understanding Triggers in SQL Server

clock December 10, 2024 06:17 by author Peter

Triggers in SQL Server are special types of stored procedures that automatically execute or “fire” when certain events occur in the database.

Types of Triggers
DML Triggers

These are triggers that fire in response to data manipulation events such as INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE operations on a table or view.

  • AFTER Triggers: Execute after the associated DML operation is completed.
  • INSTEAD OF Triggers: Execute in place of the associated DML operation.

DDL Triggers
These fire in response to data definition language (DDL) events such as CREATE, ALTER, or DROP statements.

Real-Time Use Case Example
Scenario. Imagine a retail company that wants to maintain an audit trail for all changes made to the Orders table. Every time an order is inserted, updated, or deleted, the company wants to log the details of the operation in an OrderAudit table.

Setting Up the Example

First, let’s create the Orders table and the OrderAudit table.
    CustomerID INT,
    OrderDate DATETIME,
    Amount DECIMAL(10, 2)

    OrderID INT,
    Operation VARCHAR(10),
    OldCustomerID INT,
    NewCustomerID INT,
    OldOrderDate DATETIME,
    NewOrderDate DATETIME,
    OldAmount DECIMAL(10, 2),
    NewAmount DECIMAL(10, 2),

Creating Triggers
CREATE TRIGGER trg_AfterInsert_Orders
ON Orders
    INSERT INTO OrderAudit (OrderID, Operation, NewCustomerID, NewOrderDate, NewAmount)
    SELECT OrderID, 'INSERT', CustomerID, OrderDate, Amount
    FROM inserted;

-- Insert a new order
INSERT INTO Orders (OrderID, CustomerID, OrderDate, Amount)
VALUES (1, 101, '2024-01-01', 100.00);

-- Check audit logs
select * from  OrderAudit

We can see we have a record inserted into the audit log table, and when any record is inserted into the order table, we will know what operation was performed and at what time it was executed.

AFTER INSERT Trigger: When a new order is inserted into the Orders table, the trg_AfterInsert_Orders trigger fires. It captures the new order details from the inserted pseudo-table and inserts a corresponding record into the OrderAudit table with the operation type 'INSERT'.


CREATE TRIGGER trg_AfterUpdate_Orders
ON Orders
    INSERT INTO OrderAudit (OrderID, Operation, OldCustomerID, NewCustomerID, OldOrderDate, NewOrderDate, OldAmount, NewAmount)
    FROM inserted i
    INNER JOIN deleted d ON i.OrderID = d.OrderID;

-- Update the order
SET Amount = 120.00
WHERE OrderID = 1;

-- Audit log
SELECT * FROM OrderAudit;


we can see at this time, we updated the record, and we can see details of updated records, this is very helpful in case when we want to track how many time a order has been updated etc.

AFTER UPDATE Trigger: When an existing order is updated, the trg_AfterUpdate_Orders trigger fires. It captures both the old and new values by joining the inserted and deleted pseudo-tables and inserts a record into the OrderAudit table with the operation type 'UPDATE'.

CREATE TRIGGER trg_AfterDelete_Orders
ON Orders
    INSERT INTO OrderAudit (OrderID, Operation, OldCustomerID, OldOrderDate, OldAmount)
    FROM deleted;

-- Delete the order
WHERE OrderID = 1;

-- Reading audit table
SELECT * FROM OrderAudit;

Result. We can see that order data has been deleted, and we can check logs to see what time it was deleted.

AFTER DELETE Trigger: When an order is deleted, the trg_AfterDelete_Orders trigger fires. It captures the details of the deleted order from the deleted pseudo-table and inserts a corresponding record into the OrderAudit table with the operation type 'DELETE'.

Dropping a Trigger

Just use DROP triggername.

Instead of Trigger
Let’s consider a table of Employees where we want to restrict the insertion of records such that the Salary must be above a certain threshold (e.g., $30,000). If the Salary is below this threshold, the insertion should be rejected.

We can use it instead of Trigger in this case.
CREATE TABLE Employees (
    Name VARCHAR(100),
    Position VARCHAR(50),
    Salary DECIMAL(10, 2)

CREATE TRIGGER trg_InsteadOfInsert_Employees
ON Employees
    IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM inserted WHERE Salary < 30000)
        -- Raise an error and roll back the transaction if the salary is below the threshold
        RAISERROR ('Salary must be at least $30,000', 16, 1);
        -- Perform the actual insert if the condition is met
        INSERT INTO Employees (Name, Position, Salary)
        SELECT Name, Position, Salary
        FROM inserted;


--less than 90000
-- This insertion should  fail
INSERT INTO Employees (Name, Position, Salary)
VALUES ('peter scott', 'Developer', 89999);


  • The trigger intercepts the insert operation and checks if any of the inserted rows have a Salary below $90,000.
  • If any rows do not meet the condition, an error is raised, and the transaction is rolled back, preventing the insertion.
  • If all rows meet the condition, the insertion proceeds by inserting the rows into the Employees table.

Thanks. We have learned triggers.

HostForLIFEASP.NET SQL Server 2022 Hosting


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