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European SQL Server 2022 Hosting :: Finding and Dropping a User-Defined Store Procedure Query

clock December 21, 2023 09:23 by author Peter

This little piece of code dumps each user-defined stored procedure one by one as iterates through them all (system procedures excluded). Note: You should not run the attached code snippet in production environments as it is a risky script. Every user-defined stored procedure in the database is iterated through and dropped one at a time. Serious repercussions may result from this, particularly if your database contains mission-critical processes.

declare @procName varchar(500)
declare cur cursor

select [name] from sys.objects
 where type = 'p' and  is_ms_shipped = 0

open cur
fetch next from cur into @procName
while @@fetch_status = 0
    exec('drop procedure [' + @procName + ']')
    fetch next from cur into @procName
close cur
deallocate cur

Understanding the Code
The provided code demonstrates dropping user-defined stored procedures in a database. Here's a breakdown:

Variable declaration:

  • @procName: String variable to store the name of each procedure.
  • cur: Cursor object to iterate through existing procedures.

Cursor definition:

  • Uses sys.objects system table to find user-defined procedures (type = 'p') excluding system procedures (is_ms_shipped = 0).

Looping through procedures:

  • fetch next retrieves the next procedure's name into @procName.
  • while @@fetch_status = 0 repeats the loop until no more procedures are found.

Dropping procedures:

  • Constructs a dynamic SQL statement (exec) to drop the current procedure (@procName).
  • Executes the dynamic statement.


  • Closes and deallocates the cursor to free resources.

HostForLIFEASP.NET SQL Server 2022 Hosting

European SQL Server 2022 Hosting :: Which SQL Window methods are ROW_NUMBER(), Rank(), and DENSE_RANK()?

clock December 12, 2023 07:15 by author Peter

Within the ever-changing SQL Server environment, Windows functions are particularly potent instruments for analytical processing. They provide a unique method for carrying out calculations over a certain range of rows that are connected to the current row. In this blog, we'll explore Window Functions through a number of scenarios, a basic table example, and the use of normalizing techniques.

Knowing How Windows Work
Without lowering the result set, window functions work inside a given window of rows that are connected to the current row. They provide SQL queries access to new levels of analytical power. Let's begin by making a straightforward table and adding data to it.

-- Create a simple table
    ProductID INT,
    SaleDate DATE,
    Amount DECIMAL(10, 2)

-- Insert sample data
INSERT INTO Sales VALUES (1, 101, '2023-01-01', 1500.00);
INSERT INTO Sales VALUES (2, 102, '2023-01-02', 2000.00);
INSERT INTO Sales VALUES (3, 101, '2023-01-03', 1200.00);
INSERT INTO Sales VALUES (4, 102, '2023-01-04', 1800.00);

ROW_NUMBER() - Enumerating Rows

The ROW_NUMBER() function assigns a unique number to each row based on a specified order. This can be useful for pagination or ranking purposes.

-- Enumerate rows based on SaleDate
SELECT SaleID, SaleDate, Amount,
       ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY SaleDate) AS RowNum
FROM Sales;

RANK() - Ranking Rows
RANK() assigns a unique rank to each distinct row, leaving gaps for tied values.
-- Rank rows based on Amount
SELECT SaleID, SaleDate, Amount,
       RANK() OVER (ORDER BY Amount DESC) AS SalesRank
FROM Sales;

DENSE_RANK() - Dense Ranking Rows
DENSE_RANK() is similar to RANK(), but without gaps for tied values.

-- Dense rank rows based on Amount
SELECT SaleID, SaleDate, Amount,
       DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY Amount DESC) AS DenseSalesRank
FROM Sales;

In this specific dataset, since there are no tied values in the Amount column, the rankings provided by both RANK() and DENSE_RANK() are identical.
Here's a brief explanation of the differences:

  • Assigns a unique rank to each distinct row.
  • Leaves gaps in the ranking for tied values. If two rows have the same value, they both get the same rank, and the next rank is skipped.


  • Similar to RANK().
  • Does not leave gaps for tied values. If two rows have the same value, they both get the same rank, and the next rank is not skipped.

SUM() - Cumulative Sum
SUM() as a window function enables the calculation of cumulative sums.

-- Calculate cumulative sum of Amount
SELECT SaleID, SaleDate, Amount,
       SUM(Amount) OVER (ORDER BY SaleDate) AS CumulativeSum
FROM Sales;

AVG() - Moving Average
AVG() as a window function calculates a moving average over a specified window of rows.
-- Calculate 3-day moving average of Amount
SELECT SaleID, SaleDate, Amount,
FROM Sales;

LEAD() and LAG() - Accessing Adjacent Rows
LEAD() and LAG() provide access to subsequent and preceding rows, respectively.
-- Access next and previous SaleDate
SELECT SaleID, SaleDate, Amount,
       LEAD(SaleDate) OVER (ORDER BY SaleDate) AS NextSaleDate,
       LAG(SaleDate) OVER (ORDER BY SaleDate) AS PreviousSaleDate
FROM Sales;

Normalizing Data Using Window Functions
Normalization is a key database design principle. Let's use Window Functions to normalize data by creating a new table to store aggregated information.
-- Create a normalized table
CREATE TABLE ProductSales (
    TotalSales DECIMAL(10, 2),
    AverageSaleAmount DECIMAL(10, 2)

-- Insert normalized data using Window Functions
INSERT INTO ProductSales
       SUM(Amount) OVER (PARTITION BY ProductID) AS TotalSales,
       AVG(Amount) OVER (PARTITION BY ProductID) AS AverageSaleAmount
FROM Sales


The ProductSales table in this normalized database removes unnecessary data by capturing the total sales and average selling amount for each product.

SQL Server Window Functions are a developer's and data analyst's gold mine. These routines improve your analytical skills, from ordering rows to computing cumulative sums and moving averages. Gaining proficiency with Windows functions will enable you to extract meaningful insights from your data and optimize the performance of your SQL queries. They can also be crucial in normalizing data, as shown in the aforementioned instances, which helps create an effective and well-designed database structure. Cheers to your inquiring!

HostForLIFEASP.NET SQL Server 2022 Hosting

European SQL Server 2022 Hosting :: Effective SQL Server Data Fetching Methods

clock December 5, 2023 11:03 by author Peter

Optimizing data retrieval is critical to database management in order to guarantee effective application performance. Microsoft's SQL Server is a powerful relational database management system that provides a number of methods for efficiently retrieving data while taking into account variables like query complexity, data volume, and system resources. This article explores the practical applications of several effective SQL Server data fetching techniques.
Comprehending Query Optimization in SQL Server

The basics of SQL Server query optimization must be understood before delving into specific strategies. A query optimizer in SQL Server is in charge of figuring out the best way to execute a particular query. This decision-making process is influenced by variables such as statistics, query structure, indexes, and system resources that are available.

1. Indexing Techniques

In order to maximize data retrieval, indexing is essential. By establishing a structured path to find information within tables, indexes speed up data access. There are three different types of indexes available in SQL Server: filtered, non-clustered, and clustered. It is essential to comprehend query patterns and data characteristics in order to choose the best indexing strategies.

Example SQL Code
ON Employee (DepartmentID);

SELECT EmployeeID, Name, DepartmentID
FROM Employee
WHERE DepartmentID = 5;

2. Analysis of Query Plans and Statistics
The query optimizer in SQL Server uses statistics to calculate how many rows a query will affect. Updating statistics guarantees that the optimizer creates precise plans for query execution. Using programs like SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) to analyze query plans makes it easier to spot possible bottlenecks and optimize queries for better performance.

Methods for Effectively Fetching Data
1. Index-Based Query Optimization

Making efficient use of indexes is essential to maximizing data retrieval. Query performance is greatly improved by using the right indexes depending on join conditions, sorting requirements, and query predicates. For example, building covering indexes with all the columns needed for a query can reduce I/O operations and improve performance by removing the need to access the actual data pages.

2. Optimizing Queries through Query Rewriting and Refactoring
Significant performance gains can frequently be achieved by rewriting and reorganizing queries. Query execution can be optimized by employing strategies such as splitting up complex queries into simpler ones, using derived tables or common table expressions (CTEs), and reducing the usage of functions inside predicates. Using SQL Server's query hints, like 'OPTIMIZE FOR' and 'FORCESEEK,' can also direct the query optimizer to more effective execution strategies.

SQL Code Example
SELECT OrderID, ProductID, Quantity
FROM Orders
    SELECT OrderID
    FROM OrderDetails
    WHERE UnitPrice > 50

SELECT o.OrderID, od.ProductID, od.Quantity
FROM Orders o
JOIN OrderDetails od ON o.OrderID = od.OrderID
WHERE od.UnitPrice > 50;

3. Efficient Use of Joins and Subqueries
Carefully crafting join operations and subqueries can significantly impact query performance. Opting for appropriate join types (e.g., INNER, OUTER, CROSS joins) based on the relationships between tables and using EXISTS or IN clauses efficiently can prevent unnecessary data retrieval, thereby enhancing query efficiency.

SQL Code Example
FROM Employees e
    SELECT 1
    FROM Orders o
    WHERE o.EmployeeID = e.EmployeeID

SELECT c.CustomerName, o.OrderDate
FROM Customers c
INNER JOIN Orders o ON c.CustomerID = o.CustomerID;

4. Pagination and Limiting Results
When dealing with large datasets, implementing pagination techniques becomes crucial to enhance user experience and minimize resource consumption. SQL Server provides functionalities like `OFFSET-FETCH` or using `ROW_NUMBER()` in conjunction with `ORDER BY` clauses to implement pagination efficiently.

SQL Code Example
SELECT ProductID, ProductName, UnitPrice
FROM Products

5. Caching and Materialized Views
Caching frequently accessed data or utilizing materialized views can reduce the computational overhead associated with repetitive complex queries. SQL Server offers caching mechanisms like Query Store and the use of indexed views, which store precomputed results, thereby accelerating data retrieval for specific queries.

SQL Code Example
CREATE VIEW MonthlySales
SELECT YEAR(OrderDate) AS OrderYear, MONTH(OrderDate) AS OrderMonth, SUM(TotalAmount) AS TotalSales
FROM Orders
GROUP BY YEAR(OrderDate), MONTH(OrderDate);

ON MonthlySales (OrderYear, OrderMonth);

6. Parallel Execution and Resource Management

Leveraging SQL Server's ability to execute queries in parallel can significantly improve performance, especially for CPU-intensive operations. Utilizing features like parallel query execution and configuring resource governor to manage CPU and memory usage optimally can enhance overall system efficiency.

SELECT /*+ MAXDOP 4 */ *
FROM LargeTable
WHERE SomeCondition

7. Monitoring and Performance Tuning
Regular monitoring of database performance using built-in tools like SQL Server Profiler or Extended Events allows for the identification of performance bottlenecks. Performance tuning by analyzing wait statistics, identifying long-running queries, and optimizing them based on execution plans is crucial for maintaining an efficient database environment.

    total_elapsed_time / execution_count AS avg_duration,
    total_logical_reads / execution_count AS avg_logical_reads,
    total_logical_writes / execution_count AS avg_logical_writes,
    sql_text.text AS query_text
FROM sys.dm_exec_query_stats AS query_stats
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(query_stats.sql_handle) AS sql_text
ORDER BY avg_duration DESC;

HostForLIFEASP.NET SQL Server 2022 Hosting

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HostForLIFE is European Windows Hosting Provider which focuses on Windows Platform only. We deliver on-demand hosting solutions including Shared hosting, Reseller Hosting, Cloud Hosting, Dedicated Servers, and IT as a Service for companies of all sizes.

We have offered the latest Windows 2019 Hosting, ASP.NET 5 Hosting, ASP.NET MVC 6 Hosting and SQL 2019 Hosting.

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