European Windows 2019 Hosting BLOG

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European SignalR Hosting :: How To Get List Of Connected Clients In SignalR?

clock November 27, 2020 07:22 by author Peter

I have not found any direct way to call. So, we need to write our own logic inside a method provided by SignalR Library.

There is a Hub class provided by the SignalR library.
In this class, we have 2 methods.
    OnDisconnectedAsync(Exception exception)

So, the OnConnectedAsync() method will add user and OnDisconnectedAsyn will disconnect a user because when any client gets connected, this OnConnectedAsync method gets called.

In the same way, when any client gets disconnected, then the OnDisconnectedAsync method is called.
So, let us see it by example.
Step 1

Here, I am going to define a class SignalRHub and inherit the Hub class that provides virtual method and add the Context.ConnectionId: It is a unique id generated by the SignalR HubCallerContext class.
    public class SignalRHub : Hub  
    public override Task OnConnected()  
    return base.OnConnected();  
    public override Task OnDisconnected()  
    return base.OnDisconnected();  

Step 2
In this step, we need to define our class ConnectedUser with property Id that is used to Add/Remove when any client gets connected or disconnected.
Let us see this with an example.
    public static class ConnectedUser  
    public static List<string> Ids = new List<string>();  

Now, you will get the result of currently connected client using ConnectedUser.Ids.Count.
As you see, here I am using a static class that will work fine when you have only one server, but when you will work on multiple servers, then it will not work as expected. In this case, you could use a cache server like Redis cache, SQL cache.

SQL Server Hosting - :: How to Sort Numbers in SQL Server Without A Sorting Function

clock November 25, 2020 08:18 by author Peter

Today, I'm gonna show you how to sort numbers in SQL Server. It's not a difficult task but not an easy way. In the front end are many functions that for sorting values but SQL Server has no predefined function available.

For example I will sort the numbers 12,5,8,64,548,987,6542,4,285,11,26. SQL Server has no array list or array so how can we hold the values after sorting the numbers? SQL Server has temporary tables. Temporary automatically creates and drops the table after the execution.

First of all, create a temporary table. Suppose a problem occurs in SQL Server or during program execution. A Temporary table can't be deleted or dropped the proper way. When we want to create a table a second time a confirm error occurs as in the following:

There is already an object named '#temp' in the database.

So this type of problem is avoided by checking first if the table exists like this:

    IF  EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.tables 
    WHERE name = N'#temp' AND type = 'U') --check the #temp already exists in database or not  
    --Not:-  type U stand for user 
    drop table #temp 

If the table already exists in the database then drop the table #temp.

My values are 12,5,8,64,548,987,6542,4,285,11,26. They need to be be split up before the sort. How can we split the numbers? Of course we can at the comma (,).  If I split the at the comma then I get the numbers like this: 12 5 8 64 548 and so on. One question then arises is, how to split the value? Don't worry, I have done that.

select left('12,45,18,95',


If i run this query it should be return the value is 12

After that everything is fine, we get the value from the #temp table.

    select ROW_NUMBER() over (order by value) 'srNo', value from #temp order by value

The following is a complete Stored Procedure to sort the numbers. 

   ALTER proc [dbo].[Porc_sortnumber] 
    DECLARE @value VARCHAR(MAX)='1,2,5,6,12,88,47,95,56,20' 
    declare @lenth int =1 
    IF  EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.tables 
    WHERE name = N'#temp' AND type = 'U') --check the #temp allready exists in database or not  
    --Not:-  type U stand for user 
    drop table #temp 
    create table #temp (id int identity(1,1),value int)  
    while(@lenth!=0 ) 
    insert into #temp(value) values(left(@value,(CHARINDEX(',',@value)-1))) 
    set @value= right(@value,len(@value)-((CHARINDEX(',',@value)))) 
    set @lenth=CHARINDEX(',',@value) 
    insert into #temp(value) values(@value) 
    select ROW_NUMBER() over (order by value) 'srNo', value from #temp order by value 


I hope this article will helpful! SQL Server 2014 Hosting

ASP.NET 5 Hosting Available NOW!

clock November 24, 2020 08:00 by author Scott is a popular online Windows and ASP.NET based hosting service provider catering to those people who face such issues. The company has managed to build a strong client base in a very short period of time. It is known for offering ultra-fast, fully-managed and secured services in the competitive market.

.NET 5 is the next version of .NET Core and the future of the .NET platform. With .NET 5 you have everything you need to build rich, interactive front end web UI and powerful backend services. .NET 5 contains great performance improvements in the
runtime and libraries and for the gRPC components. These improvements, when applied to ASP.NET Core, result in some significant wins in throughput (RPS) and latency. hosts its servers in top rate data centers that's located in Amsterdam (NL), London (UK), Washington, D.C. (US), Paris (France), Frankfurt (Germany), Chennai (India), Milan (Italy), Toronto (Canada) and São Paulo (Brazil) to ensure 99.9% network period. All data center feature redundancies in network connectivity, power, HVAC, security, and fire suppression. proudly announces available ASP.NET 5 feature for new customers and existing customers. is a popular online Windows based hosting service provider catering to those people who face such issues. The company has managed to build a strong client base in a very short period of time. It is known for offering ultra-fast, fully-managed and secured services in the competitive market. Their powerful servers are especially optimized and ensure ASP.NET 5 performance. They have best data centers on three continent, unique account isolation for security, and 24/7 proactive uptime monitoring.

Further information and the full range of features ASP.NET 5 Hosting can be viewed here


European SQL 2019 Hosting - :: Iterate Through Array Of Data In SQL Query

clock November 20, 2020 08:50 by author Peter

You have a set of data, and you want to execute a set of queries on the records in a SQL table which are matching with this set of data. You have got a list of Product IDs from the QA department, you need to get the details of those products from the SQL table. And this situation happens frequently. How would you do this? What are the options you have?

Easy solution – You would write select query and put product ID in where clause and get the details. Do this for all the product IDs you have got. Its a time consuming task.
Is there any better way of achieving it where we can get the result in one query?
Yes, we can write a stored procedure, or you can just prepare a set of queries together to run for a single time also.
We will use temporary table variable to create arrays in SQL. We will insert the set of data (what you already have) into a temporary array variable. Use While clause, insert into clauses to generate our result table – which will show details of products matching product IDs.
Below is a sample set of queries which generates array variable named MYARRAY, you can store your data in this array. Then we will iterate through these array values using WHILE clause, we have used two variables to loop through array – INDEXVAR and TOTALCOUNT. As usual the loop will continue until INDEXVAR is smaller than TOTALCOUNT.
Using INDEXVAR and Where clause we will get current array index value. We will use this value to fetch data from actual table and insert it into our temporary result table PRODUCTDETAILSTABLE.
    -- Declare your array table variable  
    DECLARE @MYARRAY table (TEMPCOL nvarchar(50), ARRAYINDEX int identity(1,1) )  
    -- Add values to your array table, these are the values which you need to look for in your database  
    ('PRD-2222'), ('PRD-3333'), ('PRD-4563'), ('PRD-4569'), ('PRD-6657'), ('PRD-3452'), ('PRD-6578')  
    --select * from @MYARRAY  
    SET @INDEXVAR = 0  
        -- Get value of current indexed product ID from array table  
        -- Get details of Product matching current indexed product ID from array  
                select top 1 ProductName as PRODUCTNAME, ProductID as PRODUCTID, Cost as PRODUCTCOST  
                dbo.ProductDetails t  
                where t.ProductID= @CURINDEXEDPRODUCTID  
    Select * from @PRODUCTDETAILSTABLE  

You might come across a scenario where you need to update a set of records from your database or delete specific rows from your table – at that time you might need these array queries to fulfill your requirements. That’s it for this article. When someone asks you to pull data for specific list of IDs then I hope these queries help you to pull out data easily from the database.

SQL Server Hosting - :: Cascading Deletes in LINQ to SQL

clock November 11, 2020 07:34 by author Peter

This article will discuss alternative methods for performing cascading deletes using LINQ to SQL.  Cascading delete refers to the action of removing records associated by a foreign key relationship to a record that is the target of a deletion action.  LINQ to SQL does not specifically handle cascading deletes and it is up to the developer to determine whether or not that action is desired.  It is also up to the developer to determine how to go about accomplishing the cascading delete.
The problem with performing a cascading delete is not new to LINQ to SQL and one has essentially the same alternatives for performing such a delete.  The issue is one of determining how to handle the deletion or retention of records associated with a record targeted for deletion where that record maintains a foreign key relationship with records contained within other tables within the database and more specifically where the foreign key fields are not nullable.
As an example, consider the customer table within the Northwind database.  The customer table has a foreign key relationship established with the Orders table (which in turn maintains a foreign key relationship with the Order_Details table).  In order to delete a customer which has associated Orders, one needs to dispose of or otherwise handle the associated records in both the Orders and Order_Details tables.  In the LINQ to SQL jargon, the associated tables are referred to as entity sets.
LINQ to SQL will not violate the foreign key relationships and if an application attempts to delete a record with such relationships in place, the executing code will throw an exception.
Using the Northwind example, if one were to attempt to delete a customer with associated orders, an exception will occur.  That is not really a problem, that is how it should be, otherwise, why have foreign key relationships at all.  The issue is really one of determining if you would really want to delete records with associated entity sets, and if you do, how would you want to handle it - do you want to keep the associated records or delete them right along with the targeted record?

There are several possible alternatives at your disposal.  You can handle the cascading deletes using LINQ to SQL from within your code, or you can handle the foreign key relationships from within SQL Server.
If you were to execute this code against the Northwind database, it would create a customer with an associated order and order details.
              Customer c = new Customer();  
              c.CustomerID = "AAAAA";  
              c.Address = "554 Westwind Avenue";  
              c.City = "Wichita";  
              c.CompanyName = "";  
              c.ContactName = "Peter";  
              c.ContactTitle = "Boss";  
              c.Country = "USA";  
              c.Fax = "888-335-5933";  
              c.Phone = "888-225-4934";  
              c.PostalCode = "88888";  
              c.Region = "EA";  
              Order_Detail od = new Order_Detail();  
              od.Discount = .25f;  
              od.ProductID = 1;  
              od.Quantity = 25;  
              od.UnitPrice = 25.00M;  
              Order o = new Order();  
              o.Freight = 25.50M;  
              o.EmployeeID = 1;  
              o.CustomerID = "AAAAA";  
              using (NWindDataContext dc = new NWindDataContext())  
                       var table = dc.GetTable<Customer>();  
    catch (Exception ex)  

But if you then tried to delete the customer without handling the entity sets using something like this:
    using (NWindDataContext dc = new NWindDataContext())  
              var q =  
                       (from c in dc.GetTable<Customer>()  
                       where c.CustomerID == "AAAAA"  
                       select c).Single<Customer>();  

Handling the Delete with LINQ to SQL

You can handle the cascading deletes manually deleting all of the related entities in the associated entity set; here is a simple approach to doing that:
              using (NWindDataContext dc = new NWindDataContext())  
                       var q =  
                       (from c in dc.GetTable<Customer>()  
                       where c.CustomerID == "AAAAA"  
                       select c).Single<Customer>();  
                       foreach (Order ord in q.Orders)  
                                 foreach (Order_Detail od in ord.Order_Details)  
    catch (Exception ex)  

In looking at this example, to delete the customer along with the related orders and order details, the code first selects the matching customer by the customer ID field (it's the primary key).  Once a match is found, the code loops through the orders related to each customer and marks them for deletion using the DeleteOnSubmit call.
Further, since another relationship exists between the order and order details, the code loops through all of the order details associated with the order and marks them for deletion as well.  Lastly, the customer itself if marked for deletion and then Submit Changes is called on the data context.  The order in which the entities are marked for deletion does not matter, LINQ to SQL sorts that out during the execution of the Submit Changes call based upon the configuration of the foreign keys.

Handling the Cascading Delete from within SQL Server
It is possible to manage the cascading deletes entirely from within SQL Server.  To do this, one need only set the delete rule for the foreign key relationship to cascade.

If you have a database diagram built, the easiest way to set the delete rule is to merely open the diagram, click on the foreign key relationship within the diagram, and then open the INSERT and UPDATE property to expose the Delete Rule property, and then set the Delete Rule property to Cascade as shown in Figure 3.
To repeat the example of deleting a customer with related orders, if we were to set all of the constraint delete rules to cascade we could delete a customer with this bit of code:
              using (NWindDataContext dc = new NWindDataContext())  
                       var q =  
                       (from c in dc.GetTable<Customer>()  
                       where c.CustomerID == "AAAAA"  
                       select c).Single<Customer>();  
    catch (Exception ex)  

As you can see in this example code, there was no need to bother with marking each member of an entity set for deletion as in this case SQL Server was instructed on how to deal with a deletion of the customer or order records.  As a result, deleting the customer also results in the deletion of the related records contained in the Order and Order Details tables.
Handling the Cascading Delete From within SQL Server
It is also possible to set the foreign key field in the entity sets to nullable and then set the delete rule for that field to "Set Null".  One could also set a default value for the field and set the delete rule to "Set Default".
Either approach could be useful if there was a need to delete (in this example) a customer record but retain the order and order detail records.  Either approach could be handled in a manner similar to that used in the previous solution alternative.  Setting the foreign key value to nullable is probably not advisable but it is a workable alternative.
Handling the Cascading Delete With a Stored Procedure
One may create or add a stored procedure that will accomplish the cascading delete and evoke that stored procedure using LINQ to SQL.  Stored procedures added to the designer may be evoked directly from the data context, for example, if we had stored procedure called DeleteCustomer that took the customer ID as an argument and handled the cascading deletes, we could do something like this:
    Using(NwindDataContext dc = new NwindDataContext())  

Cascading deletes are not new to LINQ to SQL; it is the same issue it has always been.  In this article, I have described a few approaches to dealing with cascading deletes from within the code and from the SQL Server side but as is true with many things in .NET, there are several other ways to accomplish such action from within LINQ to SQL. SQL Server 2019 Hosting is European Windows Hosting Provider which focuses on Windows Platform only. We deliver on-demand hosting solutions including Shared hosting, Reseller Hosting, Cloud Hosting, Dedicated Servers, and IT as a Service for companies of all sizes.

SQL Server Hosting - :: Multiple Active Result Sets (MARS)

clock November 5, 2020 08:10 by author Peter

MARS- Multiple Active Result Sets is a feature supported in sqlserver 2005. In this method having a single connection to the database, our applications can execute. Multiple queries and stored procedures and divides each result of a query or stored procedure as active results. These results are forward-only, read-only data. Previous to MARS, it was required multiple database connections to retrieve data for a separate query or stored procedure, but within a single connection to the database, it's possible to retrieve all data. This helps your application performance and code management greatly.

In the previous methods each sqlconnection object must be disposed of correctly and datareaders associated with each query must be disposed of. Otherwise, it will lead to some errors like "There is already an open DataReader associated with this Connection- error".

With the introduction of MARS in Sqlserver2005 bye-bye to all these problems and performance bottlenecks.

Let's start the Implementation


You must change your connection string as follows :

String connectionString = "Data Source=TestServer;" +"Initial Catalog=Pubs;IntegratedSecurity=SSPI;" + "MultipleActiveResultSets=True";

MARS is disabled by default on the Connection object. You have to enable it with the addition of MultipleActiveResultSets=true in your connection string.


This c# code snippet demonstrates the use of MARS.

using System.Data;  
using System.Data.SqlClient;  

public class MARSdemo {  
Public static void Main() {  
    String MarsConnectionStr = "Data Source=TestServer;" + "Initial Catalog=Pubs;IntegratedSecurity=SSPI;" + "MultipleActiveResultSets=True";  
    string Mars_Command_Str1 = "select * from Salary;";  
    string Mars_Command_Str2 = "select * from Employees;";  

    SqlCommand cmd1 = new SqlCommand(Mars_Command_Str1, MarsConnectionStr);  
    SqlCommand cmd2 = new SqlCommand(Mars_Command_Str1, MarsConnectionStr);  
    SqlDataReader rdr1 = null;  
    SqlDataReader rdr2 = null;  
    try {  
        rdr1 = cmd1.ExecuteReader();  
        rdr2 = cmd2.ExecuteReader();  
    } catch (SqlException ex) {} finally {  
        if (con.State == ConnectionState.Open) {  

If you try to execute this code with sqlserver 2000 or lower versions, u will get an InvalidOperationException and the following error message.

"There is already an open DataReader associated with this Command which must be closed first."

MARS works on the concept of "Multiplexing" and "interleaving". SQL's Select statement is a multiplexed enabled statement. These multiplexed enabled statements can pause its execution in between and allow a non-multiplexed statement to execute like an INSERT statement.

For example, consider you are retrieving 1 million records using a select statement and in between an insert query comes via a MARS-enabled application under the same connection object, then select statement pauses until this insert operation completes and afterward resumes execution.

Note: Managed code (stored procedures, functions, triggers) can't be multiplexed. SQL Server 2019 Hosting is European Windows Hosting Provider which focuses on Windows Platform only. We deliver on-demand hosting solutions including Shared hosting, Reseller Hosting, Cloud Hosting, Dedicated Servers, and IT as a Service for companies of all sizes.

About HostForLIFE

HostForLIFE is European Windows Hosting Provider which focuses on Windows Platform only. We deliver on-demand hosting solutions including Shared hosting, Reseller Hosting, Cloud Hosting, Dedicated Servers, and IT as a Service for companies of all sizes.

We have offered the latest Windows 2019 Hosting, ASP.NET 5 Hosting, ASP.NET MVC 6 Hosting and SQL 2019 Hosting.

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