May 21, 2015 08:14 by
In this post, let me explain about How to List Out SQL Logins and Database User Mappings.

You can use system stored procedure sp_msloginmappings to list out the SQL logins and database user mappings. And here is the syntax:
sp_msloginmappings @Loginname , @Flags
@Loginname – Optional argument, in case if you not specify the Login name procedure will return the result for all the SQL Server logins
@Flags – You can specify value 0 or 1, 0 value will show user mapping to all databases and 1 will show the user mapping to current database only. Default value is 0
use master
exec sp_msloginmappings 'sa', 0

use master
exec sp_msloginmappings 'sa', 1

If you want to run the sp_msloginmappings across multiple SQL Instance using either Central management server or Powershell, write the following script:
create table #loginmappings(
LoginName nvarchar(128) NULL,
DBName nvarchar(128) NULL,
UserName nvarchar(128) NULL,
AliasName nvarchar(128) NULL
insert into #loginmappings
EXEC master..sp_msloginmappings
select * from #loginmappings
drop table #loginmappings
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