October 23, 2014 11:45 by
Today, I will show you how to manage product attributes in PrestaShop 1.6. Attributes on PrestaShoip are the basis of product variations. You can only create variations of a product if at least one of its attributes changes and you can add multiple attributes.

1. First, You must Log Into your Prestashop 1.6 admin panel and Click on Catalog -> Product Attributes

2. Click the Add New Attributes button within the top right corner

3. On the Catalog -Attributes and Values - Add new Attribute web page enter the subsequent fields:
- name: for instance, shade (the name is perhaps not visible to the web page visitors)
- Public identify: e.g. shade (visible to your website visitors)
- URL: specific url layout in block layered generation
- Meta title: specific format for meta title
- Indexable: Use this attribute in url generated through the layered navigation module
- Attribute type: create a choice the type of the attribute

4. Then, Click Save. You're getting to see the attribute you only added in the list.

Now, We’ll Add the Attribute Values on Prestashop 1.6
1. On Catalog select Product Attributes, then click Add New Value.

2. Enter the fields as below:
- Attribute group: Select the type of the attribute, example: Color, etc.
- Value: The name of the value itself, for instance for Color.
- Meta title: The Specific format for your meta title.
- Color: You can Select a color with the color picker, or enter an HTML color code.
- Texture: Upload color texture from your PC.

4. Click on Save button at the bottom right or Save then add another value to feature additional values.
5. You may see all the values you added if you click Edit button for the attribute you added the values to under Catalog -> Product Attributes . You'll additionally edit or delete them from there.