November 13, 2014 08:43 by
The database I inheritable when I started my current job sends out a lot of mails. It does therefore using database Mail with SQL Server, and it's a lot of mail accounts and mail profiles outlined. I do know that many of these profiles are used, i think that some aren't, and that I haven't any plan concerning the rest – in the future I'll notice the time to clean up, however to this point there have always been a lot of pressing matters to attend to.
But nowadays the mail administrator told me that thanks to a modification in design, SQL Server had to start using a completely different SMTP server for sending mails. Quite easy task if you've got just a single profile. Just a couple of clicks within the database Mail Configuration Wizard, and done. But continuation those self same mouse-clicks for each profile within the list wasn't my plan of a morning well spent, therefore I made a decision that I’d got to script this. (This ought to be easy – we've just a single SMTP server, therefore I may hit each single mail account and did not get to trouble with exceptions).

Usually, scripts for such a task are terribly easy. You just type a felicitous search string in your favorite Search Engine, check the primary 2 or 3 hits, and you’ll have a script. Sometimes even over one. Carefully inspect the script,copy the script, paste into SSMS, build adjustments for your own scenario, do a new review simply to take care. Bottom line, I did not notice a pre-made script for this task, therefore I put in the effort to put in writing one, so determined to share it with you.
Note that the script below was tested on SQL Server 2008R2 only. also note that it'll update all mail accounts to use the new SMTP server. If you've got a a lot of complicated setup with multiple servers and just some got to change, you may got to add the correct filtering criteria to the wherever clause.
DECLARE @NewServer sysname = 'NotTelling.mail', -- New SMTP server
@OldServer sysname = 'MySecret.mail', -- Old SMTP server
@account_id int;
FOR SELECT account_id
FROM msdb.dbo.sysmail_server
WHERE servername = @OldServer; -- Add extra logic here
OPEN Cursor_MailAccounts;
FROM Cursor_MailAccounts
INTO @account_id;
EXECUTE msdb.dbo.sysmail_update_account_sp
@account_id = @account_id,
@mailserver_name = @NewServer;
FROM Cursor_MailAccounts
INTO @account_id;
CLOSE Cursor_MailAccounts;
DEALLOCATE Cursor_MailAccounts;
I hope it will works for you!