February 23, 2015 07:22 by
Simple ASP Script to send mail using AspEmail
The following is a very basic script to send a mail from an .asp page (we will build on this mail in the next scripting example to retrieve and e-mail information from a form). Note that lines starting ' are explanatory only - these lines are not parsed by the server.

' First Step is to create the AspEmail message object
Set Mail = Server.CreateObject("Persits.MailSender")
' Set the from address - replace value within the quotes with your own
Mail.From = "[email protected]"
' Add the e-mail recipient address - again replace value within the quotes with your own
Mail.AddAddress "[email protected]"
' Set the subject for the e-mail
Mail.Subject = "Test mail via AspEmail"
' Create the body text for the e-mail
Mail.Body = "This mail was sent via AspEmail"
' The mail server requires that we authenticate so supply username and password
Mail.Username = "[email protected]"
Mail.Password = "your_password"
' The e-mail is now ready to go, we just need to specify the server and send
Mail.Host = "smtp.hostforlife.eu"
' Mail is sent - tidy up and delete the AspEmail message object
Set Mail = Nothing
That's it - you just need to substitute your own values where required and you should be able to copy this script to your account and send your first e-mail.
Note that as we use authentication the 'Mail.From' e-mail address must be a live user on our mailserver and should match the address used for the 'Mail.Username'.