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SQL Server 2012 Free Hosting UK - :: SQL Server 2012 Performance Problem Created by The ORDER BY Statement

clock May 6, 2014 07:55 by author Peter

Today I had a problem with a table that has around 5 million records on my SQL Server 2012. The table has as primary key “Header No.”,”Transaction No.”. In the table is a field “Order No.” that at the moment is blank for all records. I also had an index on that field, because I will need to search for it. I think that in the future only 1 in several 1000 records will have an order no. So the index will be highly selective because I will have only 1 record per order no.

The code is like this:
Table.SETCURRENTKEY(“Order No.”);
Table.SETRANGE(“Order No.”,TheOrderNo);

It should go lightening fast but it takes almost 1 second for each FINDFIRST.

The SQL plan gave me this:

Top[2,1];Nested Loops[3,2];Index Seek($2)[4,3];Clustered Index Seek(Company Name$Table$0)[6,3]
WHAT? A CLUSTERED index Seek?????
it should have been an index seek.
The select was what I expected:
HERE ((”Order No_”=?)) ORDER BY “Order No_”,”Header No_”,”Transaction No_” OPTION (OPTIMIZE FOR UNKNOWN)

But because SQL knows that the Field “Order No.” contained only blanks, it decided to do a clustered index seek because of the ORDER BY (at least this is what I think SQL decided). So how to fix it NOW (I don’t want to wait that it goes into production and it takes days or months before the problem fixes itself.

What is the code for?
The FINDFIRST serves because I want the Invoice No. of that record and it has to be a non-blank value.
So, I changed the index from “Order No.” to “Order No.”,”Invoice No.”. It makes the index a little bigger, but it shouldn’t be a big problem (or at least I hope so).
The C/AL code I changed like this:

Table.SETCURRENTKEY(“Order No.”,”Invoice No.”);”
Table.SETRANGE(“Order No.”,TheOrderNo);
Table.SETFILTER(“Invoice No.”,’<>%1’,’’);

Even with all blank values in “Order No.”,”Invoice No.” at the moment, SQL has changed its plan to an index seek and the code has become very fast.

FREE SQL Server 2012 Hosting UK - :: An Application Error Occurred On The Server Running On SQL Server 2012

clock March 29, 2014 18:42 by author Peter

Recently one of my application website went down. I checked all the basic connectivity troubleshooting on my SQL Server 2012 Hosting and seem everything was looking and working fine. Finally, I found the problem with the browser service but that’s also in running state.

Error from the event viewer:

The quick solution is rebooting the SQL browser (Start –>All programs–>Microsoft SQL server 200X–>Configuration tools –>SQL server configuration Manager) without rebooting SQL service. I searched and found a couple of MS links (KB-2526552 And SQLBrowser Unable to start) but, I did not apply it. I used another way that is also a permanent fix.

Troubleshooting ways and a permanent fix:

For me it’s a named instance and listening a dynamic port and DBAs knows the browser service is mainly for named instance. From the local machine we can connect the server through SSMS by using server name and server name + port number. But, other than local machine you cannot connect the server by using server name. (You can test that by connecting some other server or better install only SSMS on the application server and try to connect it) so I went to the application server and opened a connection string as expected the data source only has the server name. So We changed it from Datasource “from Data Source=Servername\Instance to Data Source= Servername\Instance,port” Ex: Muthu1\SQL1,5432.

Application team made a standard to always include a port number in the connection string block i.e. FQDN. 

A Basic SQL Connectivity checks:

- Check SQL service is running or not and try to connect through SSMS from local and remote

- Check TCP/IP protocol enabled on SQL server configuration manager and find the port number

- Connect using a server+port number from SSMS local and remote

- For firewall block/port not opened you can check through command prompt TELNET server port ex: TELNET server 1433

- Check remote connections are enabled & SQL Browser service is running (For a named instance which is not using FQDN)

- Check you have any alias/DNS name.

SQL Server Hosting France - :: SQL String concatenation with CONCAT() function

clock March 10, 2014 08:05 by author Peter

We have been using plus sign (+) operator for concatenating string values for years in SQL Server with its limitations (or more precisely, its standard behaviors). The biggest disadvantage with this operator is, resulting NULL when concatenating with NULLs. This can be overcome by different techniques but it needs to be handled. Have a look on below code;

 -- FullName will be NULL for 
 -- all records that have NULL 

 -- for MiddleName 
   , FirstName + ' ' + MiddleName + ' ' + LastName AS FullName 
 FROM Person.Person 
 -- One way of handling it 
   , FirstName + ' ' + ISNULL(MiddleName, '') + ' ' + LastName AS FullName 
 FROM Person.Person 
 -- Another way of handling it 
   , FirstName + ' ' + COALESCE(MiddleName, '') + ' ' + LastName AS FullName 
 FROM Person.Person 

SQL Server 2012 introduced a new function called CONCAT that accepts multiple string values including NULLs. The difference between CONCAT and (+) is, CONCAT substitutes NULLs with empty string, eliminating the need of additional task for handling NULLs. Here is the code.

   , CONCAT(FirstName, ' ', MiddleName, ' ', LastName) AS FullName 
 FROM Person.Person 

If you were unaware, make sure you use CONCAT with next string concatenation for better result. However, remember that CONCAT substitutes NULLs with empty string which is varchar(1), not as varchar(0).

SQL Server 2012 Spain Hosting - :: Configure a SQL Server Alias for a Named Instance

clock March 5, 2014 05:09 by author Peter

There are plenty of tutorials out there that explain how to configure an MS SQL Server alias. However, since none of them worked for me, I wrote this post so I'll be able to look it up in the future. Here's what finally got it working for me.

My Use Case

In my development team at work, some of our local database instances have different names. Manually adapting the connection string to my current local development machine every single time is not an option for me because it's error-prone (changes might get checked into version control) and outright annoying.

The connection string we're using is defined in our Web.config like this:

<add name="SqlServer" connectionString="server=(local)\FooBarSqlServer;…"   

providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />

This is the perfect use case for an alias. Basically, an alias maps an arbitrary database name to an actual database server. So I created an alias for FooBarSqlServer, which allows me to use the above (unchanged) connection string to connect to my local (differently named) SQL Server instance. That was when I ran into the trouble motivating me to write this post. The alias simply didn't work: I couldn't use it to connect to the database, neither in our application nor using SQL Server Management Studio.

The Working Solution

I googled around quite a bit and finally found the solution in Microsoft's How to connect to SQL Server by using an earlier version of SQL Server: The section Configure a server alias to use TCP/IP sockets pointed out that I had to look up the specific port number used by the TCP/IP protocol:

Here's how you find the port number that's being used by TCP/IP on your machine:

1) Open the SQL Server Configuration Manager.

2) Expand SQL Server Network Configuration and select Protocols for <INSTANCE_NAME>.

3) Double-click on TCP/IP and make sure Enabled is set to Yes.

4) Remember whether Listen All is set to Yes or No and switch to the IP Addresses tab.

- Now, if Listen All was set to Yes (which it was for me), scroll down to the IPAll section at the very bottom of the window and find the value that's displayed for TCP Dynamic Ports.

- If Listen All was set to No, locate the value of TCP Dynamic Ports for the specific IP address you're looking for.

You'll have to copy this port number into the Port No field when you're configuring your alias. Note: that you'll have to set the Alias Name to the exact value used in your connection string. Also, if you're not using the default SQL Server instance on your development machine (which I am), you'll need to specify its name in the Server field in addition to the server name. In my case, that would be something like YourDirectory\NAMED_SQL_INSTANCE. Remember to also define the alias for 32-bit clients when your database has both 64-bit and 32-bit clients.

European SQL 2012 Hosting - Germany :: EXECUTE Statement Using WITH RESULT SETS in SQL 2012

clock August 16, 2013 07:06 by author Scott

Microsoft SQL Server 2012 extends the EXECUTE statement to introduce WITH RESULT SETS option which can be used to change the Column Name and Data Types of the result set returned by the execution of stored procedure.


Example Using WITH RESULT SETS Feature of SQL Server 2012

Let us go through an example which illustrates WITH RESULT SETS Feature of SQL Server 2012.

Use AdventureWorks2008R2


* FROM sys.objects    
WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[WithResultSets_SQLServer2012]')   
AND type in (N'P', N'PC'))
PROCEDURE [dbo].[WithResultSets_SQLServer2012]

CREATE PROCEDURE WithResultSets_SQLServer2012
 TOP 5                 
                                                 PP.FirstName + ' ' + PP.LastName AS Name            
FROM  Person.Address PA            
INNER JOIN                   
Person.BusinessEntityAddress PBEA                          
ON PA.AddressID = PBEA.AddressID               
INNER JOIN                         
Person.Person PP                         
ON PBEA.BusinessEntityID = PP.BusinessEntityID       


Once the stored procedure is created successfully. The next step will be to execute the above stored procedure using WITH RESULT SET Feature of SQL Server 2012.

/* Execute Stored Procedure which uses WITH RESULT SETS  Feature of SQL Server 2012*/
EXEC WithResultSets_SQLServer2012GO
 Example - Using WITH RESULT SETS Feature of SQL Server 2012


  [Employe Name]  NVARCHAR(100),
  [Employee City]       NVARCHAR(20),
  [Employee Postal Code]      NVARCHAR(30)


In the above image you could see that once you execute WithResultSets_SQLServer2012 stored procedure using WITH RESULT SET feature of SQL Server 2012 you can change the Column Name and Data Type as per your need without actually altering the exisiting stored procedure. In the second result set (above image) you could see that the Column Names are changed from Name to Employee Name, City to Employee City and PostalCode to Employee Postal Code. Similary, the data type was changes from VARCHAR to NVARCHAR.


The WITH RESULT SET Feature of SQL Server 2012 is a great enhancement to the EXECUTE Statement. This feature will be widely used by Business Intelligence Developers to execute a stored procedure with in an SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) Package to return the result set with required Columns and modified data types.

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HostForLIFE is European Windows Hosting Provider which focuses on Windows Platform only. We deliver on-demand hosting solutions including Shared hosting, Reseller Hosting, Cloud Hosting, Dedicated Servers, and IT as a Service for companies of all sizes.

We have offered the latest Windows 2019 Hosting, ASP.NET 5 Hosting, ASP.NET MVC 6 Hosting and SQL 2019 Hosting.

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